Methotrexate & Scalp Psoriasis

Posted Fri 3 Nov 2017 13.44 by Jen11

I have had scalp psoriasis for about 20 years now and have tried every cream, lotion, shampoo & conditioner available, as well as changing diet etc but nothing seems to work. My dermatologist recommended Methotrexate and although I was quite concerned in the beginning because of the possible side effects I was getting desperate so decided to give it a go. I am now coming to the end of my fourth week and so far have seen no change in my psoriasis at all, but am pleased to say that I have also had no side effects either. I have read that it can possibly take up to 12 weeks to work and I am on a relatively low dose (10mg per week) but just wondered what experiences others have had with Methotrexate and if it might just be a case of being patient? or perhaps my dose isn't strong enough!!

Posted Fri 10 Nov 2017 19.50 by Sheila54

I have just started taking it tonight, have to admit I'm scared of potential side effects, but I'm fed up of taking creams that don't work, I hope you see a improvement, let me know

Posted Thu 23 Nov 2017 08.56 by Jen11

Hi Sheila54, just wondered how you're getting on with the Methotrexate? I'm in week 7 and still no change :(

Posted Sat 16 Dec 2017 20.59 by Richie0100

Hi .I have been taking methotrexate for 8 months. Took about 12.weeks on 15mg injections to completey rid most of my psoriasis all over .helps my joint but having swollen finger at the moment. Do suffer with sickness for 24 to 48 hours

Posted Sat 16 Dec 2017 22.11 by Oread Therapeutics
We are trying our best to improve lives through science!

Yes it takes quite a bit of time for it to work. Remember, the dose can also be adjusted later since most people are started on a very low dose to ensure there are no side effects.

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