Pro Z92

Posted Tue 3 Sep 2013 16.44 by larmstrong
I had the occasional psoriasis spot on abdomen and legs for last 4 years which flared up when stressed. Now my GP diagnosed gutatte psoria

Has anyone tried this lotion? found it on web and claims to be 100% natural and effective.

Posted Mon 7 Oct 2013 08.14 by ooak4

Hi, yes I have tried it and just about everything else too. I have had psoriasis for 53 yrs. I started to use Pro Z 92 about 6 mths ago, and spent near $1000 using several bottles of this product from Israel. Its costs $40 to get it posted to my country though. :( I have had different results on different areas of the bod; the back of the hands being the hardest to treat ? because that is where the most wear and tear occurs. On the whole, I found it very effective, but it took time and perseverance for most of the lesions to disappear completely, and YES, some do return, but I knock them on the head as soon as I see them surfacing. The only thing that helped with the itching was oil of olay sensitive. ProZ92 was safe to use even on the most sensitive areas; skin fold etc. What appeared to be thrush in these areas was in fact psoriasis. It does very little to treat under the nails, but I found scalp treatment effective with a little 'feel, search and dab the lesion. I use 'Hair science' shampoo and conditioner for the scalp with great results in reducing plaques. Also, I found many new lesions cropped up near the old ones during the treatment. Again, perseverance sorted them. So, if you have the $ and the patience, yeah its worth a try. I'd say it has been the most effective treatment so far for me. Best of luck! M

Posted Fri 13 Jun 2014 08.35 by larmstrong
I had the occasional psoriasis spot on abdomen and legs for last 4 years which flared up when stressed. Now my GP diagnosed gutatte psoria

Hi Thanks for your reply. Have been using salcura spray and moisturiser. V good moisturiser but p ongoing. Pro Z 92 too expensive About to try dithranol for plaque. Hope your well LA

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