Natural creams

Posted Fri 10 Nov 2017 21.45 by Laura881611

So I read an article today saying how a lady tried a natural serum and cream aswell as shampoo called OREGON, the reviews on it for treatment for psoriasis are really positive so just wondering if anybody else has tried it and how they found it? I've ordered some as it's only £25 for the intense serum, daily cream, shampoo and conditioner so I will update with how I get on with it.........fingers crossed this is something that eases the constant itching on my arms and head and eases the pain I've only suffered with psoriasis for a little over a year now but the past 3 months the scabs and flaking its constant!!! Will update with the results end of next week!!

Posted Sat 11 Nov 2017 09.45 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

My youngest daughter gave a bottle of that Oregon anti plaque shampoo to try, so I stopped the Capasal; BUT within a few weeks the P came back. I reverted to Capasal again and the P slowly disappeared. If you want to loosen P on scalp within 2wks then coconut oil over night in my experience is good and don't waste money on high branded names.

Posted Wed 15 Nov 2017 19.16 by Laura881611

Brilliant thanks very much I will try the coconut oil, the Oregon stuff has all arrived and so I'm gonna give it a try ecspecially as my arms are so bad at the moment will see how it goes

Posted Wed 30 Oct 2019 23.56 by Livingwithpsoriasis

Hi everyone, Just thought I’d jump on here to let everyone that we’re interested in the natural psoriasis treatment cream from La Lune Noire, that the cream is currently on sale for £12 - I believe it’s normally it’s £16/18 ish! I’ve spoken about this on a few post and it really has worked wonders for me, and tbh it’s the only cream, except steroid cream, where I’ve noticed and big difference in flare ups! It’s amazing, I think I’m on my 3rd or 4th jar now - love it! Speak soon, Jess x

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