
Posted Wed 4 Sep 2013 09.26 by Hardyboater

Hi all. Just joined up. Iv had p for over 25yrs. Had it just about everywhere body,scalp,ears,feet,under my nails hand and feet all at the same time :). Used all the topical creams ect and had upva treatment and tablets (retonoids) about 10 yrs ago,they made me very poorly. Been sufferingvwith depression and anxsiaty for the past 5 yrs but medication has made a vast improvment on that. At one stage i did not want to live any more. But thats all behind me at the mo :) Ive not seen a skin specialist for a while due to thre depression, i just couldnt cope with that but hoping to see one soon. Got p really bad at mo and it gets me down lots. Im hoping to be prescribed one of the newer drugs like stalara etc as nothing else has worked much. Life is very dificult for me wth p. I find i have to really make an effort what ever i do,work ect.

Posted Mon 9 Sep 2013 00.31 by foxy
I have suffered with psoriasis for about 5 years now and getting sick of it I have it in my scalp,under my breasts, on my belly and in my bo

Hi I am suffering with psoriasis and have been for the past 5 years. I get it quite bad in several places I have finally been refer to the hosptial . I have tried loads of different cream and none of then seem to work but that's all there are giving me. I can't cope with it much longer. Is making my life a nightmare. I just done know what to do. Any help would be much helpfully.

1 Posted Sat 30 Nov 2013 12.19 by treamber (edited Thu 19 Feb 2015 13.29 by frustratedincali)
After almost two years of being treated for fungal infection i have today been diognosed with psoriasis on both feet and hands.

Hi after nearly 2 years of being treated for a fungal infection on my feet my diabetes referred me to a dermatologist my appointment was yesterday but with in 6 weeks leading up to my appoinment the same skin condition appeared on the palms of my hands anyway the dermatologist diagnosed psoriasis and has given me a script for dovobet and qv ointment and is also arranging light treatment.

Posted Sat 4 Apr 2015 08.21 by ELangford
Mild psoriasis from birth, escalated in 20s, tho helped by keeping skin cool and wearing cotton vests. Diagnosed with Psa in 2012

Since changing tablets for psoriatic arthritis, my psorisis returned, mostly on my elbows. After a while, I reverted to my old trick of using a spot cover stick on the red patches and scales on my elbows. The redness vastly reduced within a couple of weeks and the scales almost disappeared. It would be interesting to know if this works for anyone else. It's one with tea tree in, so don't know if that's a factor. I also try to avoid getting the skin too hot so it doesn't itch by wearing mostly cotton. When it does itch I use a gentle hand cream to cool it, rather than scratch. I also wear cotton vests to avoid skin round the waist band sweating too much. Hope this helps others too.

Posted Sat 26 Mar 2016 19.38 by Dave g

Hi feeling helpless. My daughter aged 15 been

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