
Posted Fri 24 Nov 2017 19.50 by Annette

I have been using salysalic on my scalp,it helps but I’m never psoriasis free. My dermi gave me Enstilar foam to try but on reading info it seems it’s Dovabet !! My problem is about 10 years ago I had a massive flare up due to I think Dovabet. I am open to any help and information ,thanks Annette

Posted Tue 5 Dec 2017 16.13 by smondle

Hi Annette, Enstillar is indeed Dovobet, the only difference is that Dovobet is a gel where as Enstillar is a foam which apparently means it is absorbed better. Hope that helps?

Posted Wed 6 Dec 2017 09.57 by Annette

I’ve been using the enstilar on one side of my body knee elbow and have noticed a difference and so far had no reaction ! I may if I’m brave enough give it a go on part of my scalp this weekend as I’m off work so can hopefully handle any reaction if there is one ! So fingers crossed x

Posted Thu 14 Dec 2017 20.29 by Annette

Put it on my scalp on Friday night. Left it in overnight took me 3 days to wash it out ! !! Scalp was very much improved , Thursday today and itching is back ! Can’t use it again until I’m off work again for three days .

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