Posted Wed 13 Dec 2017 09.08 by Loopy

I am just waiting for my first booking appointment for phototherapy and just wanted people's experiences of it, if it worked or not.. Thanks in advance

Posted Mon 18 Dec 2017 21.02 by happymom

Hi I had a few sessions of phototherapy not enough to make any difference to my psoriasis. the only reason I stopped going was that I felt the staff were not nice at the clinic and I found the whole thing a bit of a ordeal. However I would not hesitate to try it again at a different clinic. I had the problem that my phototherapy was also planned in the summer right before a holiday to sunny Menorca and the restrictions regarding sun exposure were very strict. I think it would be easier to manage in the winter months. From the first few exposures I had to the treatment I experienced only increased itching but was told to moisturise more. I hope it works for you.

Posted Thu 28 Dec 2017 13.59 by Songoliath

I had NUVB phototherapy a few years ago, 3 times a week at Addenbrooks. The staff were really kind and gave us free moisturiser to put on right after each treatment. it was my first time, I wasn't sure what to expect. It was a very emotional time for me when my psoriasis got bad enough to need phototherapy. My Psoriasis responded quickly and they stopped treatment early which was great. From what i've read NUVB phototherapy seems to be the best and quickest all round treatment. I hope it works for you.

Posted Thu 28 Dec 2017 21.54 by Roofire

I've had a number of courses of UVB therapy over the years and have found it very effective in bringing my P under control. Each time I received 3 sessions a week for between 8-10 weeks. In general, they slowly increase the duration of your exposure as the treatment progresses. Somethings to consider: 1) remove as much body hair as possible, the more your skin is exposed the better the treatments. 2) keep moving during the session, again the idea is to expose hidden areas such as under your arms 3) expect to itch, it is a good sign that the treatment is working 4) moisturise as much as possible, it really helps 5) enjoy the compliments you'll get as everyone will credit your tan to an exotic holiday somewhere Good luck, and I hope all goes well for you!

Posted Tue 2 Jan 2018 09.21 by Idy
Phototherapy, methotrexate, ciclosporin and stelara afficionado

Hi Loopy. Back in 2012 I was covered from neck to ankles with plaque psoriasis, but 3 UVB phototherapy sessions per week for 10 weeks got rid of it completely, aside from my scalp which is covered in hair. I didn't encounter any negative effects. Although 3 times a week seems like hassle, it became part of my routine pretty quickly, made easier by the hospital opening at 7.30am so I could still get to work on time after my sessions. I was then largely clear for around 4 years, with a few small patches coming back slowly and eventually covered neck to ankles again in 2017. Unfortunately I had to stop a second round of UVB phototherapy after 3 weeks as it was causing too much burning and itching. I hope it works out for you!

Posted Mon 8 Jan 2018 20.59 by siennaderby

I am 12 years old and have psoriasis all over my body and I’m currently having uv treatment not enough to tell if it helps or not but all I’m saying is that the day after you have it , it stings like hell !!! Xx

Posted Tue 9 Jan 2018 01.21 by Loopy

Thanks everyone, can't believe I'm excited to be having this!! Even though I'm going to have a 3hr trip everyday I go.. mine has spread considerably over the past few weeks!! What do people believe their "triggers "are?? Leanne

Posted Thu 11 Jan 2018 01.16 by Mia0419

Hi Loopy. My 11-year-old daughter, Norah, has been receiving phototherapy for the past 12 weeks - she goes 3 times per week. It seems to have kept some of the "unwelcome new-comers" at bay - as she was having increased spots weekly : - ( The patches she currently has have in fact improved at times, but we notice flare ups inconsistently, but routinely when her immune system seems compromised (like now that she has a cold) . We live in the states. The staff has been amazing. My daughter is very independent with the process and she has overall seen improvements, minus recently due to compromised immune system. Best of luck! From Norah: I have psoriasis on my legs, arms, elbow, eyebrow, foot, and left hand. The psoriasis I have on my left foot hurts even when you touch it. I also have psoriasis on both of my ears. The light therapy helped a little on my left arm after a week or so after we started light therapy, but now it has gotten worse. I feel like I am in a lot of pain every day. It sucks!

Posted Thu 11 Jan 2018 05.40 by Loopy

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I completely understand what you are going through Norah, I too have psoriasis on my arms, legs, feet, hands and ears. And it's so painful when I kneel to play on the floor with my little girl. I am glad you can see improvements, and hope that you find a resolve to work for you. Have you got a trigger? Mine seems to be sugar.. I itch alot more when I eat refined sugars. Especially chocolate..also I was told that when I use my creams to only rub the cream in the way my hairs run as rubbing in cream in circular or up down motions causes blood cells to produce more skin! I had never been told that until my first light therapy booking session. Just rubbing cream in 3x day in a downward motion has improved my psoriasis lots... I hope your therapy works overall and send you lots of luck for the future with your skin.

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 06.20 by Steveo22

Hi Loopy,I’ve only recently completed a course of UVB therapy & it’s worked really well!!! If you do have a course be sure to moisturise in the changing room after you’ve been zapped as your skin gets really tight after & as they increase the power you might experience some slight burning.Nurses at my hospital were awesome & gave me a shedload of moisturisers

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 06.38 by Loopy

I will be sure to do this. I have my first session on Monday and literally can't wait!! Thanks for your comments.

Posted Thu 1 Feb 2018 11.43 by scc

Hi Loopy, I hope your treatment is going well. I found UVB great and would recommend it. I would agree with what Ivor says, once the trip to the hospital becomes routine that was the worst part over. A couple of things I would note, Remember to stand in the same position every time as revealing skin which hasn't been built up to the increased light exposure can result in burning later in the treatment. Also moisturising is really important. Sadly for me, P always comes back quite quickly so I had to enjoy the respite whilst it lasted but the treatment was definitely worth it. I have had 3 courses and now on to cyclosporine. Let us know how you're getting on as I'm sure there are others out there who have had the same questions as you and would find it useful. I wish you all the best.

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