Psoriasis after giving birth

Posted Thu 28 Dec 2017 16.04 by Ssh96_
Hello, my name is Stacey and have suffered with psoriasis since I was 14 years old.

I gave birth 10 weeks ago, my psoriasis was morderate only on the front of my legs, a few patches on my arms and a little on my scalp. During my pregnancy it improved and completely went, since giving birth my psoriasis has come back with a vengeance.. it's splitting causing it to bleed, it's so sore when i walk, it stings and burns. I've had enough of the pain and it's limiting me doing things. Has any females gone through this and any tips/treatment options i can consider to try and control it and reduce the flare up and pain? I'm using QV moisturiser, Psorisderm, Doverbet, Enstilar, QV shower cream. Thanks to anyone that can help and sugguest anything

Posted Fri 29 Dec 2017 01.31 by smurfette
hi I'm Lisa I'm 35 I have suffered from psoriasis my whole life

hi I know that feeling too well the burning pain feeling like you have been set on fire it's immense to the point I have been shaking from the pain and crying I'm 29 and have suffered all my like with psoriasis but it got worse after I had my children too I would highly recommend you to try aveeno for eczema you can use it all over and dream cream and oaty creamy shower cream from lush they have helped me a lot I have had all the topical treatments you can think of and none of it worked and some of it made it worse I even used methotrexate but that didn't work either I hope these help you x

Posted Sat 30 Dec 2017 15.29 by zebkara

Hi, have you tried dermovate at all? My GP prescribed me this for psoriasis on my elbows and stomach. I only use it when I have a bad flare up (although to be fair I have had bad flare ups quite frequently since my 2nd child was born!!)but I do find that it works exceptionally quickly. I usually notice an immediate improvement on the pain and itchiness, and the actual scales and redness clear within a few days. If only I could find something that works as well on my scalp psoriasis.

Posted Wed 3 Jan 2018 04.08 by smurfette
hi I'm Lisa I'm 35 I have suffered from psoriasis my whole life

I have used roots by lush on my scalp that works really well also diprosalic scalp lotion is good too and I'm pretty sure I have had dermovate but it didn't work ones that did work really well for a little while was zorac gel and diprosalic ointment but I find that my skin get a used to everything then it all stops working

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