
Posted Sun 31 Dec 2017 00.12 by Tat

I've had this now for nearly three years! Palmar plantar variety. I'm reacting badly to acitretin and still waiting for phototherapy. I have so much pain now I can hardly walk. Is this it? I am a cripple? Is there any glimmer of hope It seems as it's incurable but not lethal no one much cares. I am rock bottom.

Posted Tue 2 Jan 2018 13.37 by Sue P

Hi Tat, my heart goes out to you as I know how you feel. I have had no success with any treatment & the side effects were horrendous, that along with the condition took me to despair. At 58 I have lost my job/career of 39 years & been to the bottom. I do think this is linked to stress & my job was very stressfull. I had many conversations with my dermatologist about “no cure” & treatments & the fact “Hands & feet” are the hardest to treat. In the end I decided to stop all medication & look to alternatives. My mind & body deserved better & I could make that choice. I looked into diet, goats kefir, the gut etc. It’s a long process, I still have my ups & downs but I feel I have my sanity & am in control. I now have accepted my limitations but it’s so much better than it was. My mind is my own. Luckily I’ve been in a position financially to take some time off work & concentrate on me. I know this isn’t easy but don’t give up, look at other options, you have nothing to lose. I also soak my feet in my foot spa every night for 30 mins. Cover in cream & wrap in clingfilm & leave over night. Take care xx

Posted Fri 5 Jan 2018 13.51 by Pindyloo (edited Fri 5 Jan 2018 13.53 by Pindyloo)

Hi both - I had fairly severe psoriasis for years (from age 7 to about 30) albeit by the sounds of it never as debilitating as you have it (although at certain periods I was about 70% covered in it, which was devastating to me). I still have it but have reduced it by about 80% and now only have flare ups for very specific reasons i.e. emotional stress (loss/grief) or fighting off a cold. I improved mine through my diet. It infuriated me that no doctor in all my years of going, and getting prescriptions for steroid creams, ever mentioned that what I was eating might be contributing to something that is immune system related. I completely transformed my sugary, crappy food diet, to a whole foods diet, avoiding sugar, wheat and dairy. I had a very unhealthy gut (full of candida), I was sluggish in terms of energy and had very poor digestion - this was all caused by my diet (and too many courses of antibiotics over the years) and this in turn was causing the majority of my psoriasis. I also took and still take some supplements, including probiotics. I don't want to say I've found a miracle cure because I believe that what causes psoriasis can differ a lot from individual to individual, but my own recovery felt, to me, to be nothing short of a miracle. I wish people spoke about diet, gut health and lifestyle more when it comes to psoriasis because at the very least it can help most people a bit, and at best some people a huge amount. I have also found that self acceptance (which has taken years) has helped, as it is a condition deeply related to emotions. Best of luck.

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