psoriatic arthritis

Posted Mon 1 Jan 2018 17.33 by Lu-Lu C (edited Mon 1 Jan 2018 17.34 by Lu-Lu C)
I’m Lu-Lu.

I have psoriatic arthritis but only have psoriasis in my fingernails. The nails on most of my fingers just won’t grow. They are extremely sore. I’m on methotrexate and secukinumab. They help my arthritis but nothing helps my fingers. Has anyone used the light treatment? I know I’m lucky to not have psoriasis In more places. Thanks.

Posted Tue 2 Jan 2018 08.01 by new to it

Hi i can only say that i too was n MTX and my fingernails stopped growing . it did not help my arthritis so I do not take it anymore. awaiting a new med /

Posted Mon 8 Jan 2018 11.00 by smondle

I've had light treatment but it was to treat psoriasis on my body rather than my nails, I'm not sure there's much they can do about nail psoriasis unfortunately. The only thing I've found is Verulac, its a nail lacquer which helps strengthen and reduce the pitting from nail psoriasis. I have been using it for a couple of months and it seems to be making a difference, It's available without a prescription, but only available in Canada at the moment, god knows why. I had a friend post some to me, but I have seen it online for around $50-60, it is $40 over the counter in Canada and it cost my friend $10 to post, so you're not going to be ripped off too much buying it online.

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