Gluten Free Diet cured my Psoriasis!

Posted Mon 7 Oct 2013 13.00 by mustbetuesday
I have had psoriasis since I was 10 years old. (40 years ago now) Have been hospitalised once when I was 18.

I have suffered from Psoriasis since I was 10 (giving my age away now) I have had very bad outbreaks and it has come and gone (always cleard up when I was pregnant) For about the last 12 years I have consistently had large patches of psoriasis on my upper legs/buttocks and on my back above my hips. I used Dovobet ointment and sunlight with some success but these were temporary fixes. About 6 months ago after reading an article about gluten free diets helping to cure brain fog I went on a complete gluten free diet. I did not go on the diet to cure my Psoriasis but after about a month of being on the diet I realised that my Psoriasis had completely cleared up. It is absolutely amazing, I keep looking at myself in the mirror and running my hands over the smooth skin where for years there had been rough patches of Psoriasis. I WOULD RECOMMEND ANYONE SUFFERING FROM PSORIASIS TO TRY A GLUTEN FREE DIET. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE!!!

Posted Tue 8 Oct 2013 00.56 by Jay
I have had psoriasis for 5years. It isnt too bad through the summer months but flares up during the winter. I am embarressed to show my legs

Hey, i have had psoriasis for 5years (since i was 18), and have tried all the creams that my doc has given me and all they have done it make it worse. Over the summer it clears up and then in the winter it returns with a vengence. Is it worth doing the gluten free all year round or just while its bad? I have a herbal combo that really helps too.

Posted Fri 28 Feb 2014 16.34 by JBA
Scalp, ears, midrif and a little on arms and legs

Hi there, My psoriasis greatly calmed down after following the principles in Konstantin Monastyrsky's book: 'Fiber Menace' - you can read all about his work here Personally I find his insights something of a revelation. After mentioning my progress with psoriasis to the author, he also kindly pointed me towards a histamine restriction diet which cuts out foods that cause inflammation. My psoriasis continued to calm down further, however it flares up quite quickly if I don't keep my histamine intake low, and this is a little difficult when you are away from home. I am now on a mission to get rid of any skin products with preservatives and other nasties in and give my body a break from everything that is causing stress and inflammation. Hopefully this will be the final touch to clear the psoriasis up completely. For those of you who are feeling down about your psoriasis, I hope you find some relief from this information. My dermatologist refused to even discuss diet in relation to psoriasis as there is no scientific proof of a connection. However, if it works for me, I hope it will work for you too. I have always sensed that diet played a major part, but I couldn't quite figure it out. I hope this helps, and Good Luck!

Posted Sun 6 Apr 2014 17.58 by
30 years - major PS.

I agree! And I am doing the same as you. I keep looking at myself in the mirror and being able to run my hands over smooth skin after years and years .... I have not come to terms with it yet. I had significant improvement - about 80% starting 4 days after going Gluten Free!!! I feel the real danger is inflammation - and now if I eat gluten I itch, have digestive issues and dont think as well. The reaction is in hours. The tough bit is realizing how many foods have gluten - I came up this morning and researched my food last night to find out that I ate peanuts that are not gluten free!!! And now there is evidence of a link to coffee.

Posted Sun 5 Apr 2015 01.29 by MartinJS
No confidence, especially with women. Feeling like I'm being stared at and overlooked. Tried a few treatments with limited success, none of

Please don't claim there is nothing to lose. I spent my childhood on a gluten-free diet (and briefly tried again in my teens) and it's hell - I couldn't socialise with friends regularly, I had to bring my own (bland and expensive) food with me all the time, foreign holidays were out of the question, food shopping took twice as long.... Plus if I switched now I'd be throwing away maybe £50 worth of unsuitable food. I realise it's a bit easier nowadays, and I am tempted to try again - maybe do a day or two of gluten-free using what's already in my cupboard as far as possible - but I wonder how strict you have to be - are products which 'may contain traces of gluten' okay?

Posted Tue 22 Mar 2016 20.57 by captain
It has made me very low in confidence and has made me feel very low

Hi, I was just wandering how long you were on the diet before you saw results ? As I have been on a gluten /wheat and dairy free diet for 2.5 months and haven't seen any improvement as yet Kind regards

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