Coming off methotrexate and skin has went crazy

Posted Wed 10 Jan 2018 04.37 by Natasha

Hi, I'm 28. Have had psoriasis for 15yrs. Started off with scalp and plaques on my elbows and knees until I gave birth to my son at 23. From there I was completely covered no uv or creams would hell and iwas hospitalized for treatment when my son was only 6months. I was tried with a medication I can't for the life off me remember the name but it made me ill and done nothing, I was then tried with cyclosporin which made me ill again. Vomiting, fatique etc. Then it was onto mhtx. For me it's been great. I've had no side effects except the odd mouth ulcer. Within 6 months I went from 89% covered to 84% clear. Over the next 3 yrs I would have little flare ups due to having the cold, or having to come off because my bloods weren't looking great but mostly I had no issue. In Oct 2017 I had a flare up after catching a sickness bug I wasn't even able to keep one weeks tabs down so basically missed a week. So flare up got even worse. My dermo put me from 20mg up to 25mg Hoping itwould settle it down as it has before. But by Xmas it made no difference and my skin was getting worse. I have now came off the meds all together 2 wks agi as I want to try for a baby at the end of the year and I'm terrified of Wat to expect as I'm in agony the now. Can anyone recommend anything I can try to control it. There's literally not one part of my body that's not covered in it 😢

Posted Thu 11 Jan 2018 14.05 by timeonmyhands

When I came off Methotrexate for the same reason as yourself I started on Anti-tnf treatment (Enbrel). Worked a treat - do your best to push for it. I've not taken Methotrexate now for 8 years and have turned down choices to start using it again, mainly because of the long term affect on the liver. Good luck.

Posted Thu 11 Jan 2018 15.02 by Natasha

Thansk for the reply, Is that the injections? Did you struggle to get offered them?

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