Something I want to share which may help

Posted Mon 15 Jan 2018 02.57 by Beeks

Hi all..I’ve felt compelled to join a Psoriasis group to share with you my story My name is Russ, I’m 44 and from the UK I’ve been a Psoriasis sufferer since I was a child..the condition only affects my face and’s not as severe as a lot of sufferers but when it flares up it’s uncomfortable and unsightly Since my teenage years I have been keeping the wolves at bay with hydrocortisone cream (yes I really have used it on my face for 25+ years) and a medical shampoo called Selsun on my scalp Around 4 months ago I decided to grow a beard..I’ve always had stubble but have been unable to grow a proper beard due to it aggravating my skin After researching beard care I thought I’d try it and see how it went I decided the best route was to keep it moisturised with the most natural product I could find..and with more research I stumbled upon Sweet Almond Oil I found a bottle in a local supermarket and started my beardcare regime in earnest Every morning and just before bed I rubbed in a coin sized squirt of the oil into my beard..after a few days I started to rub the excess oil into my face too One thing I noticed immediately is that it wasn’t aggravating my skin..I didn’t get that usual burning feeling when I put any kind of product on my face..this was the first time barring topical cream that I could say that Anyway to cut a long story short..I’ve now been using almond oil for 4 months and my psoriasis is as close to cured as you can get..the best thing of all is it’s weaned me off the hydrocortisone My skin hasn’t looked as good since I was a beard is growing too! I’m so happy..I just want people to know about this if they don’t may not help all of you..but if it helps just one..I will be ecstatic If you’ve not tried almond oil please do It’s been nothing short of miraculous for me

Posted Mon 15 Jan 2018 05.27 by Reidmr
49yrs old, born in Scotland, spent 20yrs working in London (as a lawyer for my sins!), before returning to Scotland 3yrs ago.

Hi Russ - great that you have now found something that works for you. I’m 49 and also in the UK. Similarly, I had psoriasis from childhood, which then developed into psoriatic Arthropathy. With the help of powerful medication (first Methotrexate, then Humira anti-TNF injections, I have been psoriasis free for over 20yrs - except for my scalp that would always flare up. I previously swore blind by Betnovate scalp lotion - and used it regularly for almost 30yrs! However, in the past 4mths, I have had a chronic outbreak of plaque and guttate psoriasis from top to toe and attend hospital 2-3 times a week. My scalp was the worst it has ever been and unbearable, but neither my hospital my doctor would prescribe Betnovate scalp lotion. Instead, the hospital put olive oil on my scalp! I was totally sceptical, but it has proved to be the only thing that has cleared my scalp completely (and great for the hair!). For the first time ever, I have psoriasis on my face. The topical steroid creams (such as Silkis and Clobavate) only seem to heighten the redness. And the problems with using steroid and hydrocortisone creams is, apart from thinning the skin and a host of other side effects, you can have a severe flare-up when you come of them. But the key is regular (twice daily) moisturising - anything that nourishes and moisturises the skin will limit the cell production and in a large proportion of cases will clear it up.. I too found having stubble/beard that the hairs prevented the creams from penetrating fully to the skin below, and also withheld the natural shedding of the skin underneath. I used Selsun many years ago - believing the patchy rash to be psoriasis. Selsun was originally an anti-fungal shampoo/skincare product (the fungal rash typically found around sweaty areas of the body), but now promoted as an anti-dandruff / dermatitis treatment. But again, anything that adds moisture to the skin, will work well.. Certainly almond oil, olive oil and coconut oil are great moisturisers. Having been a die-hard prescribed drug treatment fan most of my life, I am now converted to the benefits of these natural products. Good luck and I hope your new-found skin improvements continue. Best regards. Martin

Posted Fri 4 Jan 2019 18.21 by Quinny

Hi Russ I came across this psoriasis forum by chance trying to find more about almond oil as a moisturizer as a beard oil. I've had psoriasis now for going on 35 years and I'm now 52 , I have had it bad on my face for most of them years and as we know it's always worse in the winter season , shaving has got so so bad for me or recent I've had to try growing a beard again , as I cannot handle shaving any longer , and I thank you for sharing your post as im going to try almond oil to add moisture to my beard . A couple of questions I need to ask you , are how often to you wash your face with water and to you use tap water ? Where I live the water is too hard with a pH of 9.1 and it sets my face on fire when I wash with it so I'm going to try bottled water with a pH of 7 . Thank you , King regards , Andy.

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