Psoriatic arthritis without joint swellings

Posted Sun 21 Jan 2018 11.15 by Paul macbay
Hi. I'm Paul and I have had guttate & plaque psoriasis from the age of 4 and recently PSA which first started in my teens but was missed.

Hi. Has anybody had experience of being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis but the symptoms are - joint pains that move about the body which are asymmetric. Generally comes with bouts of bad fatigue which come on like someone has flicked a switch. I get mild swelling of a middle finger but that's all no bad joint swelling.. I have the warning signs or nail pitting, skin psoriasis for many years and family members with psoriasis. I am under a rheumatologist but has so far not diagnosed it as psoriatic arthritis because my only complaint was about lower back pain (MRI shows things to appear normal) I am interested in wether you can be treated for psoriatic arthritis if you don't have joint swelling or damage yet? My job is a physical one and the fatigue and joint pain are starting to get in the way of doing it. Thanks for reading 😊

Posted Sun 21 Jan 2018 15.49 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

I am being treated with Otezla (apremilast) and its working on my skin psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and tendonitis, so I suggest you talk to your prescriber to see if you could be given a trial period on the tablets.

Posted Sun 21 Jan 2018 20.31 by living with psoriasis (edited Sun 21 Jan 2018 20.34 by living with psoriasis)

Hi Paul I am going through the same as you. I have had suffered with ppp for 11 years and I have recently been diagnosed with nail psoriasis and scalp psoriasis. It is also in my belly button. Since May, when the nail psoriasis started, I wake up most days as if I am hungover, have brain fog and I am tired all the time. I suffer with joint pains that move around and are also asymmetric. My fingers, shoulders, neck, lower back and left hip have been affected. I have noticed mild swelling on one finger along with swelling of the distal joints where the nail psoriasis is active. My scan and xray came back clear. My crp and white blood cells were only slightly raised. The rest of the tests came back clear. The nail psoriasis was originally misdiagnosed as a fungal infection so when I saw the rheumatologist, she put my aches and pains down to me being hypermobile and diagnosed me with tendonitis in my left shoulder. My dermatologist recently referred me back to the rheumatologist, when she diagnosed the nail psoriasis as she said that 80% of those who suffer with psoriatic arthritis experience nail changes and that psa only shows up on blood tests in fifty percent of sufferers. She also said that nothing will show up on scans and xrays until 2 to 3 years after the initial symptoms started. I can't answer your question re: treatment as I haven't started any yet. I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone - Don't give up, Psoriatic arthritis can be hard to diagnose. I hope you manage to get some relief soon.

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