Enstilar foam routine

Posted Sun 21 Jan 2018 12.12 by Flakyguy

Hi, I've had guttate psoriasis for a few years now and have been given several creams over the years.. First time round I was eventually given methotrexate which cleared it up but this time round it did nothing. I then saw a new dermatologist who advised me to step back and use a combination of enstilar and saclylic acid ointment in a routine. This has worked wonders in just a week. I've gone from having many thick scaly patches, shedding skin everywhere to having smooth skin, just discoloured. He said the enstilar needs to be on live skin cells or it will do nothing, spraying it on dead skin is a waste of time. So I put the saclylic acid on at night as he advised scurfed off the skin in the morning and then sprayed the enstilar on. After a few days I was producing so little dead skin that I no longer needed the saclylic acid apart from on a few patches., so now just use the enstilar. So many doctors have given me treatments but never really properly explained how to use them in a routine like he did. Hope that helps.

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