People looking at your psoriasis...

Posted Fri 11 Sep 2015 07.11 by misspaperwait
I have had psoriasis in and around my ears for the last 8 or so years and that has in the last couple of months migrated onto my scalp. It e

I feel your pain. I have psoriasis covering both my ears and down my neck around them so every time I pull my hair back it's all everyone seems to see. I can't tell you how many times I've had people stare or outright ask what's wrong with my ears. My brother is the actually the worst offender I think, he seems to find it amusing to tell me it looks I have necrosis (gotta love siblings eh?) when I'm flaring up really bad. I still haven't really found a way to properly handle (and by that I mean get through the conversation and not immediately do everything in my power to cover it all up) these situations but I just try to stay as polite as I can if someone asks about it and explain that it's just a skin condition, it's not contagious and no sir, I'm not secretly a zombie. I think the worst is probably children, they're so darn curious about everything and unfortunately haven't had the time to develop that brain to mouth filter that keeps you from saying things like "That looks really gross, whats wrong with your ears?". Basically I just take everything one conversation at a time.

Posted Thu 18 Feb 2016 23.45 by AnastasiaGrace
I have had psoriasis since i was a baby and i am now 20. It has been hard but i was in remission for 5 years after phototherapy, however it

I dont mind people looking so much, when they make remarks i can become very grumpy and hostile very quickly! I was born with psoriasis and have grown up with it, the worst four comments i have received are.. 1) is that a love bite on your neck? ( my response being no its a skin condition you ignorant prick) 2)do your parents know about that awful rash you have? (yes because my parents are not inbred idiots like you.) 3) you know you can get creams for rashes like that right?... (of course i know that you retarded prick, do you really think i would put up with a condition like this without seeking help?!) 4) is that contagious?.. (omg is your face contagious?) I am quite a sarcastic person and usually speak my mind, I'm only rude when people require it and i believe stupid questions deserve answers.. On the positive, people who ask genuine and honest inquisitive questions I explain to them what it is, that its not contagious that i hate it and myself for having it, i tell them what having it is like, the endless doctors and hospital appointments, the absolute hate for summer and how much i despise people moaning about how ugly they feel because they are too fat or thin... at least they can change those things they're just too lazy to do so and they don't deserve to be able to moan! Hope some of this was helpful! Chin up and remember no one is alone!

Posted Mon 20 Jun 2016 00.04 by loofey12
Majorly affected its taking over my life im covered all over my legs my arms back stimach and much more

Hey there. I have psoriasis on my hands rather servere and hospital have me cotton gloves to help keep moisturizing topicals on but I know boots sell them and it helps to contain the flare up on my hands hope this helps ????

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