moisturisers for genital psoriasis

Posted Thu 22 Feb 2018 21.12 by caitlina

Hello, I have been prescribed elocon cream and an emollient to wash with for genital psoriasis, Elocon is for when I have symptoms, and the emollient is for everyday, but can anyone recommend a moisturiser that is safe to use in that area on a daily basis which will help to stop the skin drying out and prevent flare ups? 'Natural' options also welcomed! Thanks, H

Posted Fri 23 Feb 2018 03.52 by NigelV I use this on a daily basic and it’s absolutely fine to use in the genital area It looks expensive but it will last you ages, I find it soaks in really well and it’s none greasy You can get it on prescription Hope this is of some help to you

Posted Sat 24 Feb 2018 16.10 by Mark

Dream cream from Lush works well for me.

Posted Mon 12 Mar 2018 07.43 by caitlina

Thank you! That is very helpful. I would also be interested to hear from women if there are any reading this! H

Posted Fri 23 Mar 2018 22.07 by Sarahmatty

Sudacrem or a similar nappy rash cream is what I used and it stopped it drying out and helped with any itching.

Posted Sun 25 Mar 2018 19.53 by Normasher

Have found coconut oil to be the best for just about everywhere.

Posted Sun 25 Mar 2018 20.21 by Linda

Hi there. I have it to. I use double base. Had psoriasis for 43,years now. My mum and daughter has it too. Been cleared since Christmas then January used a different shampoo I have never experienced a flare up for a long time. In 2 day's my head and body was completely covered. Is a very slow process. But staying strong. Trimovate. Is very good as well.

Posted Thu 5 Apr 2018 20.55 by futureradioligist

Check out my post - see if it works for you, it does for me:

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