Private referral

Posted Mon 12 Mar 2018 12.08 by Newbie1980

First post on here as only just joined :) though I’ve often read many threads previously and found some very useful. A little advise from anyone who has can possible help. I’m 37 and have suffered moderate p for aroma 15 years. Dovobet ointment is frequently prescribed by my doctor and does have an effect but I’m finding I need more of it now and conscious using this is simply papering over the crack of the problem. I use Sebco for my scalp which again has a positive effect but doesn’t completely clear. Whilst I can (just about) cope with the body and scalp, over the years every now and then my face flares up which can be horrific. It’s not all the time and I have tried numerous moisturisers etc which doesn’t seem to slow down an outbreak. Last week it got a little too much and my parents who can see the effect it has on me, very kindly agreed to pay for me to have a private consultation. This is very expensive and I believe I have half an hour with a professor. Basically I wanted to know if anyone has had a referral before and what is the best way to make the most of this? I’m worried that this half an hour will just be telling me things I can just find out online or that they will be trying to make money out of me. Is it likely they may prescribe me something tomorrow or will I just be going home £200 worse off. Any experiences of first referrals would be greatly appreciated as not sure how this half hour with the professor will go ;) Many thanks

Posted Tue 13 Mar 2018 17.27 by Caro B

I recently visited a private dermatologist because my referral by my GP was 3 months away and although my doctor tried to bring it forward I needed treatment urgently. I have erythrodermic psoriasis which is serious and the private dermatologist diagnosed and gave me a private prescription for methotrexate. He wrote to my GP, copy to me, and notified the hospital for my consultant appointment. He was very thorough and I left with much information. It was money well spent. Good luck with your appointment.

Posted Tue 13 Mar 2018 19.59 by Newbie1980

Thanks so much! I hope Your treatment is going well too! It was an extremely positive experience. I’ve been prescribed new creams and I will Be going for uvb therapy very soon if that doesn’t work, apparently an injection that is meant to be 90% effective so feel great I’ve done something about it. Might be a few months till I see Light at the end of the tunnel but at least I’m on the right track I hope ;)

Posted Fri 1 Mar 2019 16.19 by Alex N

Can someone help with the approximate cost of a private prescription for methotrexate.? Saw a dermatologist privately as didn’t want to wait for an appointment on the NHS. Similarly don’t want to wait for the methotrexate if it might help, as it’s my hands and soles of my feet which are most affected, and therefore reducing my quality of life at the moment. Might then change to the NHS, but don’t know whether I’d then have to wait and hav3 a gap in treatment?

Posted Fri 1 Mar 2019 17.18 by Caro B

My private methotrexate prescription was £8 as far as I recall. This was over a year ago because like you I was on a long waiting list to see an NHS dermatologist. My GP was informed and willing to prescribe all subsequent doses. I hope this helps and the medication works as well for you as it has for me.

Posted Fri 1 Mar 2019 17.30 by Alex N

Thank you Caro B. I hope so too. I’m trying a course of UVB phototherapy at the moment, but don’t think it’s going to improve my feet and hands (though I also have it on the rest of my body), and may not give much remission either.

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