Need too stop taking ciclosporin

Posted Thu 15 Mar 2018 21.24 by Lisa

I have decided I need too stop taking my ciclosporin , I have been on it 6 months now and I have been ill most of the time i have had so many infections which my body can not fight , I have not been clear in them 6 months but I have been close , I am really upset about coming off it but I have no choose I can not carry on like this does anyone know if I can stop it straight away or do I have too reduce the dosage .

Posted Tue 20 Mar 2018 13.05 by Tjack

Hi Lisa I myself was on cyclosporin a while ago and decided to come off it and go down a natural route to heal. Im sure your pee has also been a toxic looking colour? Please be very careful coming of this drug. I'm not sure how severe your psoriasis is/was but you will need to steadily decrease the dosage. Your body has been suppressed for 6 months and if you just stop the medication your body will react. Depending on what your treatment plans are after will also have an effect. I am not a medical doctor just have alot of personal experience with this disease. Your dermatologist will be able to put you on a plan to reduce your dosage I'm sure. X

Posted Fri 6 Apr 2018 20.25 by Roland

I have just stopped taking it and already within ten days my psoriasis has started to come back.

Posted Sat 7 Apr 2018 16.37 by Tjack

Have you slowly reduced the dose? It will come back and it will be quite bad when it does. There is no getting over this unfortunately this happened to me also.

Posted Sat 7 Apr 2018 17.56 by Lisa

I have been off it for a month it is now the worse it has ever been , I am at a loss of what too do anymore x

Posted Mon 9 Apr 2018 17.31 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

Cylosporin works but you have to weigh the pros and will affect your body in my opinion... Its a strong medication. And suppressing the immunity is a big call.. just my opinion...I was on it and am off it....I will not use it again

Posted Mon 9 Apr 2018 17.57 by RVI2000

I was on cyclosporine many years ago and it resulted in hypertension ) high blood pressure). I currently take meds for this. I want to come off the meds. Does cyclosporine cause permanent kidney damage.

Posted Mon 9 Apr 2018 18.03 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

For me..I have always had and have strong every one is different makeup....however my creotine levels were uplifted... and my urine changed and smelt.......thats when I knew enough was enough....just my personal for kidney damage... who my opinion...maybe ...but everyone is different.

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