Posted Sat 24 Mar 2018 16.06 by Purpledm10

I have had pppp for 2 years, like so many others I was treated for eczema but I have had eczema for 30+ years and knew that this was not the eczema I have on other parts of my body. I was seen for my 1st appointment with a dermatologist a month ago. I was prescribed Tazarotene gel and Dovobet gel each to be used 12 hours apart. For 12 weeks of treatment I have tried the treatment for 3 weeks and the skin has just got worse, I experienced my first deep splits on my foot and hands. I am a leg amputee so only have one foot to worry about ............. silver linings! Has anyone else used this medication? I have stopped using the medication and reverted back to coconut oil several times a day and pumice stone in the shower to remove the thick dead skin, it appears to be calming down slightly but I am developing new blisters Any advice would be great thanks

Posted Thu 5 Apr 2018 21.01 by futureradioligist

Try using "cortizone-10: intensive healing formula" right after you use the coconut oil. It's done wonders for my genital P, I think it's totally worth a shot. Here's my post, I'm praying for you: https://www.psoriasis-association.org.uk/forums/topic.aspx?ID=2036

Posted Tue 10 Apr 2018 15.03 by RubyT

Dear PurpleDM10 I posted this on a PPP general chat I started my light therapy 2 weeks back and can already see a difference, but like Richard I am looking to improve my gut health as well. I still use Dovobet / Silkis daily and got some Enstillar spray steroid for the bits i can reach. To help get rid of all the dead skin on my feet i find daily soaks in Olatum / salt on alternate days, slathering them with an ointment ( cetraben) then bagging them under socks for at least an hour works well for me. In a daily bath I rub dead skin off with nothing rougher than a flannel. Be careful with a pumice as it can set up the Koebner phenomenomen and make PPP worse. I have put compeeds / blister plasters on the splits and aim to leave them on for a week or until til they fall off. I bought Scholl sports gel inserts for my shoes which also helps. Would recommend watching TV or sitting still with ointment / bags, walking becomes treacherous (especially on one leg!!). Similarly I have been applying ointment to hands and then putting on tight fitting non latex gloves, and gloves on top. I cut the fingers off everything as they are fine and my hands got too hot. Ive been doing this for about 3 months and with the light therapy I am definitely getting some relief and feet healing well. Good luck

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