Severe buttock psoriasis

Posted Mon 16 Apr 2018 17.26 by Ped

Hi all Hope someone can help me with this. I've got very severe psoriasis on inside of buttock cheeks. The most recent prescription cream I have been given by go is diprosalic ointment which I have now stopped using as its aggravating it. I do use e45 which soothes it a little. Thinking of going private for consultation/treatment anywhere London and south east. Can anyone out there help me with any guidance on meds or referral to a good specialist. At wits end. Battled this for years. Thank you so much.

Posted Wed 18 Apr 2018 06.40 by Gaming Empty Nester

Balneum plus and Aveeno products work for me as a moisturiser and eumovate ointment at night. My husband uses Dovobet on his body but it aggravates my gential psoriasis. Last year I ended up with a tear on one side during the hot summer nights which took a while to heal, guess we all understand the itch factor. I have never seen a psoriasis specialist but a quick search (psoriasis consultant london) brought up a long list. Best of luck Ped

Posted Sat 21 Apr 2018 18.38 by Jayxx

I had/have this too. Trimovate and/or Lotriderm get this under control but of course, it comes back. This is the most stubborn one I struggle to "keep in remission". It always flares up. I have now been prescribed Protopic which, now it's all under control, I just use to keep it at bay. My Dr would not prescribe this (long story) so I had to go via a Dermatologist who wrote to my Dr and told them to prescribe it to me.

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