Sun treatment

Posted Mon 23 Apr 2018 11.40 by Musto

I have mild psoriasis with patches just below elbows and a few 1” patches on torso , a small patches on legs .Buts behind my ears . I use dovebet which smooths out the patches ... but does not get rid of it . Although not the thing nowadays to advocate sun bathing ... but I had 1 red patch 1 1/2 “ round on my torso a few years back ... used betnovate to take the scaly stuff off ... then blitzed it with Mediterranean sun for 2 weeks . Yes I know it is radiation... ( trade offf with skin cancer) but daily you could tell it was “ giving up the fight “ to regenerate . It went smooth ... and when pressed by a finger went pale ( a good sign) . After a week back at home skin slowly turned normal and had never returned . You can’t see where the patch was nowadays . I am off to Cyprus shortly for 2 weeks ( better if it was 4 !) and I am trying the dovobet and then 2 weeks blitzing it . I am sure also sea water also helps . I’ll let you know

Posted Mon 23 Apr 2018 18.13 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Curently I have guttate psoriaisis that appeared 4 weeks ago. But 38 years ago I had plaque psoriais over my entire body, in my final year at University - possible related to stress as the trigger. After Uni I worked for 3 months then went on holiday to S. of France. Two weeks of swimming in the sea (exposure to minerals) and moderate sun exposure (no actual bright red sun burn),and perhaps the relaxation of a holiday, my psoriasis showed a massive improvement. Reading up on current thinking - sun is good, BUT avoid burning, psoriais can be triggered by physical trauma, and the skin damage from actual sunburn (not tanning) can exacerbate your psoriasis. Be aware that because of the steroid in Dovobet, they warn against immediate sun exposure after application.

Posted Sat 9 Jun 2018 13.33 by dcdrac

Just been to Ibiza for a week, got a lot of sun and it helped and did a lot of swimming too, the salt water helped

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