Please help me :(

Posted Thu 10 May 2018 20.53 by beanyboy21

Hi, i am new to this forum so please bare with me. I have suffered with P since around 20 years old, I am now 33. The reason for this post is that I've hit a bit of a low lately (very low) and would like everyone's advice, experiences to a few questions if possible. So recently I have had a flare up, whereas the P has begun to cover my whole body in small spots which are growing by the day(whereas I usually suffer only a little on the elbows). I have previously had this happen twice before, last time being 2013, which both times I lucky enough to get the uvb treatment which worked amazing for me. I have currently been chasing this treatment again to find they will not use it on me as back the they also removed a melanoma which they found on my back(I was fine as they caught it early) Now the predicimant I am in is that I have this all over my body, which I have controlled pretty well until recently, I have no idea where to turn to now on treatment asap as it is really getting me down. Please could you help with any other advice on how to slow this down/clear most of it. They have currently put me down for methotrexate which I have never used before. Anyone who has used this, how have you found it? Also, is anyone aware of any private UVB bed treatments available, or UVB beds for sale as I am willing to go to any length to reduce/bring it back under control as soon as possible with it being the summer months. Please please can you guys help with any advice, Sorry for the long post but I really am at a bit of a low. Thanks in advance

Posted Thu 10 May 2018 21.50 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

Hi I would avoid uvb if you had melanoma. Uvb worked for me at first. But my last session my body just said no. All the medication offered has side affects . It may work...ciclosporin is quick and works....but for me...side affects I cut out dairy and although my psoriasis is there ..its not so raw. And the psoriasis is clearing up...the medication that is offered is strong remember that Good luck

Posted Fri 11 May 2018 15.25 by Aitch

HI, Sorry to hear your story. I posted earlier about how I've managed to reduce mine vastly. HI all, My psoriasis started to appear in between my toes about 3 years ago, I am 45 years old now, and my father had it for as long as I can remember, his never cleared up. He was very heavy drinker. Anyway It swiftly climbed up my shins, thighs, torso, ears, elbows and scalp. I became obsessed with the horrid condition, trawling the net for some miracle cure. I dabbled with steroid creams, but I really don't feel comfortable with them. I then went down the line of trying so many things for it, herbal, natural, bought a small Phillips blue TL01 light, dietary changes etc.....But I am now virtually clear. I know maybe this may not work for everyone, but none of what I am currently doing will hurt you either. So I concentrated on trying to make my body more alkaline, I reduced my alcohol & cheese intake, and completely stopped drinking milk, The first thing that enters my body each day is pure celery juice around 16 fl oz. , (just boil a whole celery chopped up and blend, keep it cool in the fridge) lasts for about 3 days. I then have a hot water with fresh lime juice, Lemon does the same. I try to have a serving of natural yoghurt with most of my meals. I also drink at least a litre of water throughout the day. I take 2 starflower oil capsules 1 in morning, 1 at night and 1 vitamin D3 capsule each day. I do use the light if any of the remaining scales look red. However My skin has cleared up amazingly I feel this summer I may go nuts and wear shorts again. I don't know why but I am certain the Celery juice is the biggest helper. I would love to hear that some of you guys try this and it works for you, It took about 5-7 months before I noticed the difference. Best of luck Aitch x

Posted Fri 11 May 2018 15.35 by beanyboy21 (edited Fri 11 May 2018 15.36 by beanyboy21)

Thanks aitch. I too have used the small handheld uvb lamp on the small patches but it’s gone beyond that so that is no use atm. Did you read a book my dr pagano I think it is. I tried this before and I have to say it helped greatly, avoiding things like alcohol, smoking, more water intake, more fruit and green veg, clean eating, flaxseed oil etc and stuck at it and it did improve after a few weeks but it was difficult at the time to stick to this diet. As I have it almost everywhere atm I have recently started something similar although not as strict. May I ask how long it took before you started seeing improvements/full clearance and just how strict to this diet you were? I’m really consider g buying a uvb bed atm regardless of the melanoma I had 5 years ago. Ah, I see it took a few months now. Lol

Posted Tue 19 Jun 2018 21.29 by Kiff

Hello, I know I'm late to this question... but have you tried CBD oils or lotions ? It is Worth a try! NO SIDE AFFECTS!!! Immediate relief from pain and itch, and clears up dramatically in a week or so. Not cured but A lot better than ANY prescribed meds or lights or diet change.

Posted Tue 19 Jun 2018 23.50 by beanyboy21

No I havent tried this, I got so conscious I ended up buying a UVB bed to help me. I used it as I did oreviously at the hospital once every other day staring at 30 seconds increasing by 20% each time, within 3 weeks I was pretty much clear. With regards to the cbd is there anything you can recomend please?

Posted Thu 21 Jun 2018 01.26 by ScottishGirl
Had psoriasis for 15+ years

Aw I feel your pain! I’m 30 and since having 2 kids it just seems to have spread like wild fire! I’ve had all lotions and potions, UVB treatment and just started on ciclosporin yesterday so I hope that helps. I have had burning fingers and my toes feel frostbitten when I put them in water and I’ve had bad hallucinations and that was the first day on it! But I keep thinking well it’s that or bad skin! I’ve also thought about buying a sun bed but my house is small and they are expensive! But sometimes your so desperate you end up just getting one anyway. I have a handheld one but I badly burnt myself with it. I think at that time I was in the mind frame of “if I use it for a longer time it will heal faster” safe to say my skin melted like candle wax! I hope the methotrexate helps you and let me know how you get on. I’m here if you need someone to talk too. I myself have felt like what’s the point in living when I’ve to deal with this everyday. Not that it’s any easier for men but I always feel rubbish when I see other women in skirts and dresses etc and I have to dress like I’m going on an arctic expedition! It makes you become anti social with people because you always feel like people stare but god made us this way, try to look at all the good things in your life and I always think we’ll there’s a lot worse people than me. I’m here if you want to chat anyway 😊

Posted Thu 21 Jun 2018 09.12 by beanyboy21

I didn’t go ahead with the methotrexate treatment as the dermatologist was happy that skin had cleared up enough to wait, but I didn’t tell him that I’d bought and used a sunbed due to the fact I was advised not to beacuase of my previous melanoma 😔 I had to tho, as you say, I just wanted to be normal, wear t shirts in nice weather etc. It’s a constant battle, I do try to look on the bright side and think there are people a lot worse off, but when its bad I just go into my shell and become anti social similar to yourself. I do find the sunbed worked well for me mind when used under controlled conditions as instructed tho

Posted Fri 22 Jun 2018 03.20 by ScottishGirl
Had psoriasis for 15+ years

Yeh I know what you mean, you just want it cleared no matter what you have to do. I really wish I had a built in sun bed in my bedroom, one that just looked like a wardrobe but you open the door and it’s a walk in closed with a sunbed. That would be amazing lol. The uvb only helped my top half but unsuccessful bottom half but I think if I’d had more treatments it would have helped bottom half but my face was starting to burn so they stopped treatment. Then i was told I have to wait a year for more. I could have cried! But it got worse and now on ciclosporin as much as I don’t want to be taking a powerful drug but this is last resort for me. I would feel the same in your situation, not wanting to tell the dermatologists but it’s maybe better if you do incase you end up in a worsenod situation with another melanoma. Like you say though you know how you should be going into the sun bed like 15 secs, 20 secs etc and gradually building up and it’s not like your going in for half an hour or something lol and I would do the same if I had the cash to buy one and someplace to put it!

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