ESA tribunal help

1 Posted Sat 26 May 2018 22.31 by Slb201077
Hi I'm simon 40 years of age father to 4 children and grandad to a granddaughter sufferer of psoriasis that gets me down like everyone

I have my esa tribunal June 2018 been waiting now since Jan 2017 had this now since I was 21 worked all through it now 40 and it taken over my body like a curse never asked the British state for zero but last 2 years been getting so severe that it's been impossible to work taken the skin off my palms of hands with no sensation in my fingertips and the soles of my feet feel so low at minute that I rarely leave home and when I do to go to shop my two daughters take money off me to pay for shopping so I don't have to show my hands was just needing some fact sheets to download to give tribunal to let them no it's a disability just like so many others are hope someone can give me what I need thank you all for reading simon ps all info will be helpful x

Posted Wed 30 May 2018 10.34 by Gaming Empty Nester

Hi Slb201077, sorry to read your plight. I urge you to call the 'psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis' helpine. They will send you a pack free of charge containing information sheets, and also provide you with information over the phone. Telephone: Tel: 01923 672837 (Enquiry line open 9:30am - 4:30pm weekdays - Recorded message operates out of hours) Best of luck

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