Horrible memory

Posted Wed 30 May 2018 18.12 by Minnie

I suffered from Psoriasis since my early teens,I am now in my late fifties and have only just been able to discuss my experience of this debilitating skin complaint with my husband. It has affected my confidence immensely and still has lasting effects now. Im sure that things are better these day's but when I went to hospital to have my son I was treated as though I had some dirty disease when the midwive saw my sores asking me "what is this" This has stayed with me for years.Has anyone else had bad experiences like this.

Posted Thu 31 May 2018 00.19 by Gaming Empty Nester

Minnie, my husband has been told to leave a helath centre swimming pool. I told the guard that his condition is not contageous but he would not listen. I pointed out that there was a baby with chicken pox in the pool but they allowed her to stay in! Needless to day we cancelled our membership. It's humiliating to be treated like that. At least mins is in sensitive areas so is not on show - although my scalp and ears used to be covered from 10-30years

Posted Thu 21 Jun 2018 13.19 by Vicky

I have the condition from early childhood and it was very severe from the beginning (now I am in my 50is) - my mother used a lot of herbal and alternative soaps/ creams.....on me and it used to give me a lot of stress. When I grow older I noticed that my flare-ups became worse when I got stressed and since I still had to do things, plans and hopes for my life... I was exploring ways how I could respond differently to situations (I used to be sensitive and get easily hurt what people had to say...and they had to say a lot ...not just about my skin) ....that when I started to compliment the treatment with aromatherapy, learning meditation, stilling my mind and feeling confident about myself and my life journey. ....not that it was easy but it has definitive a huge impact on my well being and psoriatic arthritis is very challenging to live with every single day. .... How can people feel how this condition affects one when they don't have it? It does look grim and scary to others at times when it is really bad, it is not easy for me to take it when it is really bad. I had doctors and nurses looking very concerned when it looked so inflamed. I choose to think that people are either unsure what it is or they feel compassion and express it how they can (some ppl whisper, children point fingers....one day, very young I decided so what?) I had plans for my life and wanted to pursue them and I did .. I refuse to feel bad about myself ....what this condition taught me is to become emotionally strong, compassionate and love and respect myself no matter what....either it would have broken me or it made me...there was not much in between. ...I turned all the experiences to a learning and that keeps me happy:-)

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