Enstilar - very good results so far

Posted Mon 4 Jun 2018 10.14 by SS1980

I recently paid for a private dermatology appointment (desperate times!) and the doctor said to try Enstilar foam. The results after 4 days are extremely impressive and I’m almost clear. After many experiences with ‘miracle cures’ over the years, this has had the best results. I can’t help but be a bit suspicious though, what experiences has anyone had with Enstilar? Is it really this good???

Posted Mon 4 Jun 2018 11.12 by Melody

I have been using Enstilar foam for three weeks now and am virtually clear, I noticed it working after three days, it really is that good. I have had psoriasis for 40 years, and have never had anything work as fast as this, very impressive and life changing..

Posted Mon 4 Jun 2018 17.37 by SS1980

That’s lovely to hear, Melody. I hope it keeps up. I’m sure, like me, you’ve experienced many false dawns with p treatments!

Posted Fri 22 Jun 2018 04.37 by DanielC

Great for the body. Nightmare for the scalp as it is notoriously difficult to get out of hair.

Posted Fri 1 Feb 2019 13.20 by Melody (edited Mon 10 Jun 2019 10.21 by Melody)

I am sorry to say that my condition is now worse than it has been for years. I used Enstilar and had good results as I said earlier, then it came back and I got some more on prescription, now its all over my legs, before I had only one or two spots, and a small amount has started to appear on my face. So I have an appointment to see a dermatologist, but not until mid March, so not sure whether to keep with Enstilar, or use nothing and give my skin a break! Update on this post, I took a break, and ate loads of blueberries, nothing has happened for four weeks now. I have been prescribed Silkis, so watch this space!

Posted Tue 18 Jun 2019 13.04 by gewakefie

im getting enstilar tomorrow and had a few questions for anyone who has used it for guttate. Just so some of you know i had guttate once 4 years ago after tonsilitis, it happened again a couple of weeks ago but this time i got tonsillitis and got really sunburtnt so not sure which caused it but the sunburnt areas are now just massive masses of psoriasis there are no clear in betweens. Id say im 60 percent maybe 70 covered. How do i apply this to each individual bit cos that impossible for me? Also do i still moisturise? Before or after? Do i need to stay out the sun because its a steroid? And finally how long does the foam last and im worried about this rebound effect ive been reading about as i definately cant afford for it to come back worse because its extremely bad already, any tips?

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