Guttate psoriasis only getting worse

Posted Tue 5 Jun 2018 01.26 by Ellzxxx

I’m an 18yr old female and was diagnosed with guttate psoriasis in January after having tonsillitis. Since then over the months it’s gotten worse and worse, to a point where I don’t leave my house anymore because I feel so embarrassed. I was wondering what has worked for others, as everyone always says ‘oh I’ve heard this... oh maybe if you try this’ and they’ve never suffered to know. I use dovobet but that only works for my scalp and the spots on my torso. I’ve tried going dairy free but it didn’t help. I’m open to anything as I just want it to start clearing up a bit:( also done sunbeds but didn’t see much difference either

Posted Sat 16 Jun 2018 23.21 by Dalerayhowey

Someone has told me to give child's farm moisturiser a try. There's actually thread on this forum about it. I'm just about to give it a go.

Posted Tue 19 Jun 2018 17.08 by ScottishGirl
Had psoriasis for 15+ years

Hey, I was about 17/18 when I was first told I had guttate psoriasis and now I’m 30 and it’s a lot worse than what it was back then. I maybe had a few little spots here and there and I actually used to hide it with make up and fake tan. But it wasn’t until I was pregnant with my daughter when I was 27 when it got really bad and never got better then I had my son and it got even worse. I’ve tried numerous creams/ointments and light treatment that have all failed so now started on Cyclosporin. Had my first tablet this morning so fingers crossed. I forgot to mention that the light treatment did clear from the waist up but in my eyes didn’t totally work because my legs were still the same and I had the treatment over 3 months 3x per week. My face was starting to get burnt then they ended treatment. After 3 weeks my psoriasis from the waist up was all back so light treatment was ineffective. You can only get light treatment once a year and I thought I can’t wait another year to get more treatment. So I was given yet more creams that didn’t work and now ended up on ciclosporin for 6 weeks.

Posted Tue 19 Jun 2018 21.10 by Kiff

Hi, Have you considered CBD products? My 13 yr old daughter starting using a CBD lotion,and the results are awesome! she diagnosed at the age of 5, and for 8 yrs we were given every thing to try... nothing has helped her the way the CBD lotion has!! Highly recommended... and No side affects! Good Luck!

Posted Tue 19 Jun 2018 22.43 by Michelle

Hi Everyone. I’m new to this forum and felt I must share my experience with you. I first got guttate psoriasis in my 20s from a bout of tonsillitis. I was covered head to foot and tried every cream prescribed to get rid of it. I saw a nutritional therapist and spent a fortune on herbal supplements and after 3 months it disappeared. Ever so often a new patch would appear mainly on my elbows but nothing as drastic as the first flare. It never disappeared fully until 2 years ago. I’m now 49 and have just had tonsillitis and it is back with a vengeance. I’m covered again head to foot but I’m much calmer about getting rid of it this time as I know how to treat this degrading condition. . I really do believe you have to do this through repairing your gut. I know I have run my system down completely and my immune system is very low. For the last 4 days I have changed my diet and am already noticing the difference. You have to be very patient and disciplined and it will clear. My doctor has offered me every cream possible and I have refused because I know you can get rid of it without steroid creams. I have taken out all sugar and no alcohol. My diet consists of brown rice, pasta, chicken, fish, green vegetables, carrots, butternut squash, garlic, turmeric, natural yoghurt, blueberries, pineapple, kiwi, cantaloupe, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, just to name a few. I take Bio Kult probiotics and vitamin D supplements and use Skinfix moisturiser - petroleum jelly on my feet. The patches are already fading! Stay as stress free as possible which I know is easy said than done. I’m a legal PA in the city and work extremely long hours! I listen to meditation at night which I have found very therapeutic. Trust me I know how distressing this condition is and there’s nothing more depressing than covering up in summer but I am determined to get rid of this in the next couple of weeks! The results so far after 4 days are very encouraging! You can fight this. I’ve been there before and this time I have much better knowledge and know you can get rid of it. hope this helps and has given you all some hope. Good luck all of you with your treatments and I wish you all speedy recoveries x

Posted Wed 20 Jun 2018 00.05 by ScottishGirl
Had psoriasis for 15+ years

Hey Michelle, I actually tried really hard to eat all heathy fruit and veg and stay off the wine etc to help improve my skin but after about 4 days of a completely vegan diet my skin actually got worse, after 7 days new patches appearing and other patches getting bigger. I know this may not be he case with everyone but I read a lot about keeping a healthy immune system on YouTube etc so I went vegan but like I said it didn’t help me, maybe it would have if I stuck to it for longer than a week but I kinda feel as though I shouldn’t have to starve myself to have healthy skin. I mean i was trying to weigh up he pros and cons of going vegan and for starters it’s expensive and to be honest I don’t want to live a life where I can’t just eat and drink what I want. I know it sounds a bit crazy because I want my skin healed but I was miserable the whole week and I think maybe if I lived on my own a vegan diet would be easier but not when my partner is “anti vegan” and always cooking meat! It’s difficult and even just going dairy free it’s a real struggle to maintain that diet long term.

Posted Wed 20 Jun 2018 09.09 by Michelle

Hi ScottishGirl I know how you feel honestly. I too want to eat whatever I want but whilst I have psoriasis it just doesn’t work for me. Until I get my system balanced and healthy I’m going to keep going. Like you say this doesn’t work for everyone and I hope you find your treatment that works for you. It’s trial and error I think with this condition. The slightest thing can cause a flare. They say the body has the ability to repair itself...well I’m going to put that to the test again without all these drugs and steroid creams. I’m trying to stay positive and will keep you updated week to week! 😊

Posted Wed 20 Jun 2018 23.47 by ScottishGirl
Had psoriasis for 15+ years

Yeh stick at it if you think it will help you. It’s worth a try. You can have intolerance tests done at your GP or dermatologists to see if you are allergic to certain things like gluten etc and if everything comes back clear then atleast you know it’s not certain foods that’s causing the problem and you should still be able to eat them. I’ve been started on ciclosporin for 6 weeks and only just had 4 tablets so far so will see if that helps. Yes stress definitely plays a big part. I’m a nurse and work with people with dementia so really stressful and have a 3yr old and 15 week old so my house is manic! He only break I get is midnight when everyone is asleep. I ised to only drink water up until o was about 17 and started drinking fizzy sugary drinks and that’s when my psoriasis started so I really think cutting out the sugar might help but it’s so hard because there’s sugar in everything! Lol yeh stay positive that’s the main thing 😊

Posted Mon 25 Jun 2018 11.44 by Helena

Hi I haven't posted a reply on here before so I am not sure of the correct way to do it! My question is to Michelle and to ask her how she found a good nutritional therapist as I would like to try a different approach to treating my psoriasis. Whilst on the forum, does anyone have anything they can suggest for hair removal on the legs when you have guttate psoriasis? Although I use creams, I just wondered if there was anything which with less chemicals which I could use? Or just any ideas really. I don't want to expose my legs but know that the sun will help and I don't want to feel even more self conscious with hairy legs as an added feature. Thanks

Posted Mon 25 Jun 2018 18.20 by Michelle

Hi Helena. I found my nutritional therapist just by chance. She was practising in a chemist at the time but has since gone private and I don’t know where. I was in my 20s a the time and I lost her details. I’ve been looking on the link to find a new one - but the fees are pretty expensive. I’m preserving and so far so good. My patches are already starting to fade and I’m determined to keep going. I’ve watched numerous YouTube posts about curing psoriasis internally and there’s a few posts about Child Farm Moisturiser. I’ve starting using it. The best £4 I’ve spent. I’m determined to get my shorts back on for the summer instead of covering up and hiding! Good luck with your treatments. I hope you find some relief!

Posted Mon 25 Jun 2018 20.22 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Helena: for hair removal, definitely avoid anything along the lines of Veet, it will almost certainly cause you problems and possibly even make your proriasis worse (it did for me 14 years ago). I would recommend waxing or sugaring (as a mere male I have found sugaring less painful,). The lady whose salon I go to has told me that she treats quite a few psporiasis sufferers and they seem to find that the depilation treatment (she uses wax) actually helps their psoriasis.

Posted Tue 26 Jun 2018 02.03 by ScottishGirl
Had psoriasis for 15+ years

I just shave my legs, after I’ve shaved and I put moisturiser on my skin seems better but everyone is different. Just be careful when going over the psoriasis and take your time. I mean the redness is still there after I’ve dhavrd but not as much flaky bits. I use perfume free moisturiser like Q.V. cream or Cetraben. Coconut oil is good too because it’s a natural anti inflammatory. It’s also good to just put it on your whole body after a bath or something and it helps itching. Not so good if you get it in your hair though especially if you have to work the next day! lol

Posted Tue 26 Jun 2018 18.10 by Helena

Thank you so much for your replies, they are really helpful and it is good to have a forum to ask these questions on.

Posted Fri 29 Jun 2018 12.51 by Smc

Hi as a newcomer i know how you all feel . This seems like a curse . I was diagnosed 30 years ago after a throat infection . My psoriasis can affect every part of me . Two years ago it burst into pustular psoriasis on my face .!!! Trust me you do not want this. Over use of dermovate I was told . Up until this point I sort of got on with things but this was a game changer . Sun is good too much is very bad . A lot of people mention diet . And this is where it's at . There is so much crap in our foods we don't know where to turn . First get rid of tomatoes . Eat plenty of fish .salmon is good cous cous is good . As is a healthy salad but Omit tomatoes . You need to be in this for the long game and find out what works for you . I can't emphasise the next point enough . Ditch coffee and drink water as often as you can I love my coffee and a smoke . But the power of plain water is underestimated it will flush you and hydrate . Steroids are a quick fix but we all know it's just pushing the problem down to reappear usually worse elsewhere . I feel for all the people that have this as it's a curse but you have to stay positive with yourself.

Posted Sun 21 Oct 2018 23.00 by Hollyvanaman5

Hi. I was diagnosed with guttate psoriasis in about October last year. Since then, it has got worse and worse and worse, making my self esteem incredibly low and causing persistent confusion. Recently, I was prescribed ‘Enstilar foam’ by my GP which I have been using for a few weeks now on and off. I found that a couple of days after first applying it, that my patches of dry skin began to fade. I’ve read many forums where people have spoken about how they have applied Enstilar foam everyday, however I feel that using the foam occasionally, maybe twice a week seems to work quite well, as it allows the skin to have a little bit of a break from the steroid. Alongside this, I’ve been using E45 cream as a moisturiser as the steroid can make your skin quite dry and I must say that this has really helped. I’ve tried hundreds of creams, sunbeds, diets, lotions and remedies to try and rid myself of my psoriasis and this seems to be the only foam that has made a difference! It might not work for everyone, but if you haven’t tried Enstilar foam before, then it’s definitely worth a try! Hope this helps anyone! X

Posted Tue 23 Oct 2018 17.38 by Wayjay73

Hi I’m new here It was 8 when I found out I suffered with psoriasis, now I’m 45 I feel cursed. I’m currently going though a major flare up probably the worst I’ve experienced, the hospital want to put me on biological treatment but when that will start I do not know. I mentally and psychically exhaust with too many tears shed, I’m currently off from work sick with no way to cover my bills. I lie here all day in pain and stress. To all the people hear that suffer one way or another my hat if I had one goes off to you for been strong and positive. I just can’t feel that way. I have not had a relationship for 5 years since my wife and I ended our marriage, for a long time I’ve had no self esteem or confidence to move on, I actually used work as a distraction from every thing else. I feel lost with no one to turn to.

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2018 18.38 by warren1 (edited Thu 25 Oct 2018 18.40 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

I had guttate psoriasis too which developed into a psoriasis mass. I was tortured for years both physically and mentally. Until i read 'eating blueberries has cleared my psoriasis' by Phil on this website. i did the same and my psoriasis is virtually gone. Have a read!!!! best wishes Warren

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2018 21.34 by Michelle

Hi Everyone Following my post on 19 June I thought I would share with you that my psoriasis got worse because of the tonsillitis and I had to go back to my doctor because I ended up showered head to foot. I was completely covered . My doctor referred me for phototherapy because there was too much to cover in steroids and It took about a month to wait for the appointment but it was worth it. I had 20 sessions in total - had to go 3 x a week to the hospital and it is all gone. I moisturised twice a day with Epaderm and still use it. You can get this ointment and cream in Boots it’s fantastic. I took vitamin C and Optibac maximum strength probiotics throughout - ate loads of fruit and vegetables. It took only 7 weeks to disappear. The nurses tip was keep moisturising eat healthy and keep up your vitamin c and probiotics to keep your immune system strong. Another ointment and cream is Zeroderm which is similar to Epaderm but slightly stronger. They’re not steroids. I would highly recommend this course of treatment. If you follow their instructions and be patient it will go. Good luck everyone with your continued treatments I hope this also helps you X

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