Tinitus and Cyclosporin

Posted Thu 14 Jun 2018 15.05 by stewartt14

I have been taking cyclosporin capsules for several months when I stoppedjust over 2 weeks ago because of buzzing in my ears (confirmed by the GP as tinitus).He checked on a website which confirmed that tinitus is one of the side effects of the medication.Can anybody confirm whether tinitus stops once your stop taking cyclosporin only I still have the condition. I am now awaiting to go on to biologics and interested to know of any side affects of that treatment which maybe Humeira or Stelara Stewart

Posted Thu 14 Jun 2018 19.26 by OhNo_NotAgain?

If you type "humeira side effects " or "Stelara side effects" into an internet search engine you can find numerous websites that list the potential side effects. Add UK after each search term if you are UK based and you will see more UK oriented websites eg NHS. Remember some people experience none of the side effects of any medication, and some might even experience numerous side effects.

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