Hair loss

Posted Tue 21 Jan 2014 11.57 by FREDX
I have had on my scalp and a small amount on my body. I have a problem in that a lot of my hair has and still is falling out.

I have only had scalp psoriasis for about 6 months, I tried a few treatments including Dovobet, I used Etrivex shampoo for 7 days and the psoriasis has all gone, that was 3 weeks ago. I still use Etrivex once a week just to make sure. My problem is hair loss its still falling out and I'm almost bald on the top of my head. If anyone has suffered hair loss can they let me know how long it was before it started to grow back, or if it didn't! Many thanks. I have had small lumps on my body but Dovobet seems to clear them up very quickly.

Posted Mon 2 Jun 2014 09.40 by Asthana101

You should try Biotin(search on Amazon and select the ones which has the best reviews). I am using it since 2 weeks now. Hair fall is a little less now. Biotin takes about 2 month to show true results... I'll also share my progress... Thanks!

Posted Sun 21 Dec 2014 17.20 by 47psoyrs
I never wear dresses. It's jeans or slacks to church & every where else. I don't mind cause it's more comfortable & I've never been a "fancy

Am recently experiencing hair loss on the left side of my head. I have a very short hair cut (female) and it helps the pso. I also use a prescribed oil at night, apply a shower cap (I look truly beautiful!) and wash it out each morning. It's helping but I wonder if it's causing the hair loss. Have a doctor apt. this Friday, 26 December & will ask doc what she thinks.

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2015 09.50 by Claire
My daughter suffers from scalp psoriasis

My daughter lost a third of her hair last year due to scalp psoriasis, we tried every shampoo from the GP. Eventually I took her privately to a consultant dermatologist as she couldn't wait the 3 months for a NHS appointment. It was diagnosed immediately, and using Etrivex and Capasal helped almost immediately (correctly as the GP instructions were wrong). I was also given a coconut oil solution to put on her scalp at night, this help removes large lumps of scale gently. The good news is the hair will definately grow back, her hair is much thicker. Using Capasal and coconut oil keeps it under control. There is no need to buy anything from amazon, see your GP and get referred to a specialist, they will sort it and provide the right stuff. Best £100 I ever spent taking her privately, I spend more on my car, if you can't get any joy from your GP then get referred and get some specialist help, is can all be sorted.

Posted Sun 10 Apr 2016 13.55 by bekasaurus
I've had pretty extensive psoriasis since May 2015

I've had psoriasis on my scalp for about the same time as you and used Dovobet too. The crown of my head had a few weird bald patches, it looked like my parting had kind of extended into a lightning bolt shape, and the hair on my temple had eroded as well. I'm a 23 year old girl so I was terrified of losing more of it. The psoriasis cleared up on my scalp about two months ago but I'm just now starting to visibly see the little baby hairs growing back. Hopefully you'll start to see yours grow back soon too!

Posted Sun 26 Jun 2016 22.46 by sickandtiredofP
So sick of psoriasis. After 12 years of flares it seems to get worse every time.

I've had quite a lot of hair loss and wasn't sure if it was down to the psoriasis that I had or the tablets I'm taking to get rid of it. I'm curious did your hair stop falling out once your psoriasis had cleared up? I'm 26 yr old girl so glad to hear it does grow back but at the rate I'm losing it I will be bald in no time if it carries on!

Posted Wed 15 Aug 2018 10.28 by Bumblebee

I developed severe scalp psoriasis over my entire scalp and after several months despite me being very gentle the plaques eventually came away with 7-12 long straight silky hairs attached. I was prescribed acitretin for 3 months, after 6-7 weeks my remaining hair began falling out as single hairs, i have lost 80% of my hair, all of my eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair but the psoriasis does seem to have been brought into remission. I can find nothing about what to expect when hair grows back, what is coming through is brittle, curly and frazzled. Does anyone have any experience in hair regrowth to offer me?

Posted Wed 15 Aug 2018 19.55 by Apple (edited Wed 15 Aug 2018 20.04 by Apple)

I have a scalp routine that's pretty good and that I do every other or third day: I take the organic skin moisturizer I use on my face and body, pump it into a medium sized empty glass vitamin jar and add a tablespoon of olive oil and mix. Then I put the top to the bottle on tightly and leave it to run under hot water for a few minutes and then massage it into my scalp (the warmth makes the cream stick better). I go to sleep and wash it out in the morning. It's a good maintenance routine. Exposing the scalp to the sun also helps. I, like others, have also lost hair when my scalp has gotten bad bc I got lax about the cream and the sun. But my hair has always grown back and is really thick. Though biotin grows hair back in as little as a month, it definitely has worsened my body psoriasis. I think that's bc biotin multiplies skin cells, something we don't need. I, personally, would just rather eat a healthy diet filled w iron-rich dark greens and beans, as a doc once told me you need iron to grow hair. (Food sources of iron are better than iron supplements, which can be constipating.) As for blueberries, which are discussed a lot in this forum, I once read berries can exacerbate psoriasis. In fact, bc they're otherwise good for us , I bought a few crates of organic blueberries on sale and froze them in packets. After eating one cup/day, three days in a row, my skin did worsen, but I can't prove it was the berries. I also can't find anything on the internet showing they are bad for psoriasis, but I know I read that years ago. I'm going to stick with cherries which are anti-inflammatory and do not worsen my skin, but only slightly improve it.

Posted Thu 1 Dec 2022 11.07 by michel86

You should try ACV. ACV gummies are best supplement for hair growth. Dandruff is actually the Growth of yeast on too oily areas. It starts to accumulate and gives a flaky appearance that can also cause inflammation and itching. ACV has antifungal properties and stops the production of dandruff by preventing the yeast from multiplying. Regular intake of ACV goli gummies can produce a difference and decrease dandruff.

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