What to try next

Posted Sat 14 Jul 2018 21.49 by HollyH

I’ve had scalp psoriasis for quite time but it wasn’t until last year I knew what it was. I battled for a while thinking it was just dandruff until I could literally pull chunks of my scalp off daily, I finally plucked up the courage see my GP who first when down the route of multi shampoos but they had no effect. Betacap for a while seemed to calm my scalp down so I wasn’t constantly itching but it very quickly stopped working and I had multi prescriptions for antibiotics for the wounds on my head that kept becoming infected ( I really struggle not to itch) Around December I noticed a lump on my neck and by January there were 3, my GP thought they were likely linked but after finding more I went for ultrasound and was thankfully relieved to be advised they were just reactive nodes, likely due to the psoriasis on my scalp. I tend to go through stages of very small break outs of my skin but these are minor in comparison to some but over the last few months they are becoming more frequent, my fingers, thumbs and ankles are now heavy cracked as are patches on my legs and thighs. My arms seem to be under control. I’ve tried Exorex but this doesn’t seem to help either. I’m currently using dovobet for my scalp which does calm the itching to a degree but woah betide if I skip a day. The only issue I have is that my hair looks so greasy I really struggle to wash it out which probably doesn’t help my scalp that I’m washing my hair multiple times in a morning! A few months back I woke up and couldn’t read properly as my vision was blurry and it continued so bad through the day I booked an emergency eye test but apart from dry eyes he couldn’t detect anything so referred me to an othamlogist. I was pretty dumbfounded to be told my eyes were perfectly healthy but my eyelid glands were inflamed causing my tear film to be uneven hence the blurry vision and you’ve guessed it, linked to psoriasis! I’m starting to feel a bit of a loss as I’m told it’s aggravated by stress but I don’t feel stressed. I feel like I’m being a nuisance to my GP as essentially I’m not unwell and don’t want to waste their time but my body literally feels like it’s fighting me at any given time. I no longer have flare ups my scalp is just constant, my scalp hasn’t calmed fully for over a year, the only thing I’m able to control is my eyes with daily bathing and multi eye drops throughout the day. I have medical insurance and would like to see a dermatologist but don’t want to waste their time as I don’t feel like my skin is severe enough to warrant a visit but I would love to get my scalp under control. Can anyone recommend anything they’ve used on their scalp that has helped, even if it’s something you’ve tried at home. I’ve read so many forums and taken everything harsh out from washing, soaps, shampoos, deodorants. I’ve tried all the medicated shampoos, I don’t use any products on my hair at all. The rest I can live with, I would just love to be able to wake up in a morning without the need to fine comb by hair to remove all the dead skin before washing it so many times to spend the day itching and starting the cycle over again. When my hair is dry and it’s sectioned, you can see the skin just waiting to be itched off, it’s really not a pretty look. I will try anything :) Thank you

Posted Sun 15 Jul 2018 09.42 by OhNo_NotAgain?

My first recommendation to you is to GO and see a dermatologist if you have that option. Never think that you are wasting their time (or your GP's time). You are sufferring from a prolonged and extensive problem. The best things I have found to help my scalp is Alphacade shampoo or T/Gel shampoo. I have also used Alphosyl shampoo, and found that helped. Luckily I have not needed to use a steroid on my scalp. Many people swear by Sebco / Cocois. As I live alone I found it difficult to apply to myself and ensure I covered everywhere (trying to part the hair and apply to the scalp and not to the hair)

Posted Sun 15 Jul 2018 17.43 by Kath00

I had this on my scalp I found betacap liquid not cream or gel they mad it worse and wash daily with capasal shampoo Any thing greasy makes my skin or scalp worse

Posted Tue 17 Jul 2018 08.13 by HollyH

Thank you both for your replies. I’ve booked in with my GP again and I will try the shampoos you’ve suggested. Betacap did work for a while but suddenly stopped and when I have opened sores on my head it stung like hell! I guess alcohol and open sores don’t mix :| The only pro to the dovobet is that it loosens the flakes somewhat so I can brush them out but I can’t help but think I’m making it worse myself by the amount of brushing and I washing I have to do. For the first time in a year I went to have my haircut, I was so nervous and had put it off due to my scalp. My friend recommended a good salon and I can’t describe how incredible they were, they put me straight at ease and said it is more common then people realise and to never worry about how bad a flare up is unless it would cause me pain to have it done. I’m being more open with people when they ask as, as much as I can used to try to hide it it’s pretty impossible most of the time. Thank you for your support it’s good to be able to talk to other people :)

Posted Wed 18 Jul 2018 19.40 by Gina

Hi guys I have been suffering with psoriasis since I was 18 now 35. I've tried every thing over the years and nothing has helped. A friend mentioned dead sea salt. I had coconut oil soap off my sister. I'd heard about raw coconut oil and the Dr prescribed psoriaderm (coal tar cream). I soak for 20 minutes in the bath with the salt. Rub down my skin so all dead skin comes off wash in the soap and rub again. Once out and dried apply the cream. Leave over night apply the cream again in the morning. Then through the day apply the oil. Repeat repeat and repeat I know it sounds faffy but trust me it's working for me I didn't think it would ever go but I have seen big changes. Oh and get out in the sun when ever you can.

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