Genital/ Inverse psoriasis

Posted Thu 19 Jul 2018 14.02 by auspsoriasis

I have recently been diagnosed with psoriasis since it came up in a rash like form around my genitals and bum. I have since seen doctors, dermatologists and naturopaths in attempts to calm it but it seems to be in a constant state of inflamed throughout the entire 5 months since being diagnosed. There doesn't seem to be too much information online about this psoriasis or advice from people with similar psoriasis. Just looking for some advice I guess from anyone experiencing anything similar? It's becoming pretty disheartening. Steroid creams only provide temporary improvements- looking for something more manageable longterm

Posted Thu 19 Jul 2018 16.40 by storrington7036 (edited Thu 19 Jul 2018 16.42 by storrington7036)

Hello. I have been diagnosed in the last couple of weeks and have just joined this form. Both I and my doctor thought I had bad ringworm until it just wouldn't clear up. It's on my scalp, eyebrows, face, neck, back, arms, legs, bum and now genitals. Genitals is the worst. Been googling but can't easily find anything to use that won't thin the skin. Will be interested to hear how people manage it. I'm not (yet) into alternative/homeopathic stuff, would rather get a conventional medicine management plan - if one exists!

Posted Thu 19 Jul 2018 23.40 by auspsoriasis

Hey storrington sorry to hear that. Yeah psoriasis in this area is a pain! my psoriasis specialist has taken me off: smoking, drinking, tomato (do you know how difficult this is), potato, beef and eggplant. These things either increase inflamation or are highly acidic which both trigger psoriasis so it might be worth trying that.. Keen to hear a different perspective

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