UVB Treatment at Home

Posted Fri 20 Jul 2018 07.47 by Moonshoes

Hey everyone, I've been stalking this forum quite some time now reading all of your experiences, woes, joys etc and really appreciate the fact that there is a place online for fellow sufferers of the nasty P, you are all so strong :). I have had P for what seems like forever (10 years) and im going through the worst break out I've ever experienced, I have it all over my torso, my forhead, top of my legs, back and scalp. With the nice weather weve had in the UK the sun has helped, with that and all that Ive read here I've decided to buy myself a UVB canopy, to treat myself at home. So I come here today to ask for any advice regards timings, prepping the skin, moisteriser, and general experiences etc. Any advice would be very much appreciated! Stay strong everyone, thank you x

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