
Posted Thu 2 Aug 2018 12.34 by Kay01

Hi I'm new on here I have had psrosisis since I was 15 , I've tried creams and oiments which the doctor has prescribed me but none of them seemed to work , I've been bathing in Epsom salt which has not made any difference. I been doing the uvb light which seems to help a bit then just flares up again. First I had it in my hair doctors gave me benovate and that seemed to clear it I throught I was free from psrosisis then couple month later I started getting patches almost everywhere . I've had psrosisis for 11 years now and I'm finding that I'm starting to lose my self confidence. Anybody have any ideas on what else I could try.

Posted Thu 2 Aug 2018 14.36 by Claire89

I've had psoriasis for 6 years and I've never been more self conscious in my life with my psoriasis. I have recently tried a new baby moisturiser called child's farm there is a lot of reviews where people's psoriasis has dramatically changed. My personal experience with this moisturiser has been good I apply two times a day and it does make a lot of difference is doesn't disappear completely but it completely removes the scale and lowers the redness significantly and its £4.00 a bottle! Maybe worth a try....

Posted Thu 2 Aug 2018 18.24 by Kay01

Hi Claire thank you for replying back to me. Yes I've heard of the child's farm baby moisturiser and I've been using the child's farm for a couple of months now I even use child's farm baby bath stuff to , I must say that's good if it helping you , although I put child's farm moisturiser on quite a few time through out if the day it seems to smooth my skin but sometimes after using the cream it makes my skin red and my skin seems to be still flaky. I've also read recenly going on a certain diet would help.

Posted Fri 3 Aug 2018 12.43 by Julie 50

I have sebo psoriasis on my face and neck. It is a mixture of seboric dermatitis and psoriasis. I have tried enstilar and protopic ointment, , lotriderm and light treatment. Enstilar worked for a while now it is stopped working and spread to my chest i go to the dernatologist on Tuesday. Can you suggesr anything to try?

Posted Fri 3 Aug 2018 12.53 by Kay01

Julie have you tried the child's farm moisturiser ? That seems to help quite a few people even some people have been cured you can buy child's farm moisturiser in Tesco , Asda , boots and superdrug ect. I'm not sure if that would be worth a try it's only £4 a bottle as well so cheap to try. I think for your neck you could try benovate , I had that given to me by my doctors for the psroriasis in my scalp I had it on the back of my neck like you and benovate seemed to cleared up the psoriasis on the back of my neck I think that could be worth a try. I have got psoriasis almost everywhere now except my scalp and neck. I'm still looking for things to try to.

Posted Fri 3 Aug 2018 21.27 by Kay01

Hi Wendy I could try it what you call the baby Cream to see if that helps. Ok I will try the vitamin d I did take them for a while but I did not carry it on. At the moment I just started taking omega 3 to see if that helps I'm also just started taking the blueberries too. I basically need to start eating a healthy diet which contains Vegetables and fruit. No I do not have any other issues to do with my autoimmune that I'm aware of. I take it you have arthritis too. I'm not sure if I suffer with that but my joints do before stif and achy sometimes. Did you know that Turmeric is surpose to be good for psrosisis arthritis.

Posted Fri 3 Aug 2018 21.38 by Kay01

Wendy could you please tell me more on your FODMAP. What sort of foods I can have. How long before did you start to notice the difference.

Posted Sat 4 Aug 2018 19.45 by Kay01

Wendy thank you for replying back to me I'm glad to hear that the FODMAP is helping you. I also have psoriasis around my ears too , I will give the FODMAP a go and let you know how I get on in the process , I hope you sort all your problems out too , it's going to be hard for me to diet but I will try my best I'm 26 years old , I do have my good days and also I think people would say I'm the world's worse eater for junk food. Im off to the shops to buy all healthy food. Keep me informed on how yours is going.

Posted Sun 5 Aug 2018 11.37 by Kay01

Hi Wendy I understand at 71 that your trying not to get worse but did things really start going downhill for you in your 30s that's such a young age to start suffering , thank you Wendy for your help and I will definitely watch out for all them things that could possibly make it psoriasis worse , i haven't had children yet but I was wondering when you had your children did they end up suffering with psoriasis ? Because I did read that psoriasis is or can be genetic. I read and watch all sorts of different ways but it's confusing as some sites say different to other I'm starting my diet tomorrow I've got to go shopping. Did things start getting worse for you after being pregnant . Well I must say I've been doing well on milk as I don't drink much tea anymore then I do I have soya milk could soya milk be better to have or shall I cut out soya milk too. I understand it is hard because there are so many different things I've read out dieting. I will definitely let you know how things are going. Thank you once again.

Posted Sun 5 Aug 2018 11.49 by Kay01

Wendy all so I wanted to ask you did you cut out any drinks shall I only drink filtered water ?

Posted Mon 6 Aug 2018 09.25 by Kay01

Wendy I'm glad to say I've started my diet today and I'm going to see what happens , oh right it's werid because my mum or dad don't have psrosisis yet my bother has it really mild and I have it worse , my brother is also dealing with mental health issues , oh wow so they suffer with health problems. No I'm taking everything your saying in I sometimes just have to read a few times to understand I will get there in the end. I'm hoping this diet will help me has I am planing on having children later on in life but I just didn't want them to suffer which in my case could be a possibility. , Yeah it's called Coke zero , I live in UK so water from the tap can be quite bad here so I always drink filtered water , I'm happy to say I've got a healthy lunch today. Yeah I will definitely try gluten-free too . Thanks Wendy , I've learnt a lot just by talking to you. Will keep you updated how it all goes. Did you have the thyroid problems after having children.

Posted Mon 6 Aug 2018 15.15 by Peter S
I have psoriasis on about 1/3 of my body...have had it for over 10 years and its getting worse.

Aside from any steroids, which i try to use as infrequently as possible, I use a mix of Tesco baby lotion and Epaderm. I apply the baby lotion first, let it sink in, and then apply a thin layer of Epaderm on top. This is the best method I have found for keeping the skin moist for a long time. The thing I have found is that dry skin itself is like a vicious circle that creates more body response and calming that all down might not make the psoriasis completely go away but it does lessen the severity.

Posted Tue 7 Aug 2018 12.17 by Kay01

Hi Wendy So the thyroid problem started after a couple year of after having your children. How could you tell it was all linked to your Psoriasis .good luck on finding what's making you worse fingers crossed give it more time then it might eventually go, Wendy did you know that Turmeric is good for arthritis you should try it if you haven't already it surpose to ease the pain and inflammatory. I'm day 2 on the diet now all I have been having is healthy food and some fruit then if it starts to clear soon I can try to eliminate what's causing it for me. I've only been trying water, I am watching everything I buy with sugar content and preserves. My first hard has been my hardest day but day 2 doesn't seem to be to bad I seem to be getting use to no sugar. Fingers crossed I can find out what is causing mine and good luck for you too.

Posted Tue 7 Aug 2018 12.24 by Kay01

Hi Peter s Do you find that seems to help you Tesco's cream then epaderm , that for me might be worth ago I'm currently using child's farm baby moisturiser that seems ok but I keep having to reply the cream every so often I can use it a lot in 1 day sometimes. Your right sometimes it does feel like you keep going around in circles. I'm currently on a diet now to see if it helps.

Posted Tue 7 Aug 2018 14.07 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Kay01: you might also consider trying Doublebase Dayleve Gel (available over the counter in 500g pump-dispenser). It seems to be an excellent moisturiser/emollient but also feels to leave a form of barrier on the skin. I have found it excellent. (it is a slightly different product than the Doublebase Gel). I tried the Childs Farm moisturiser but I found it did not do more than any other simple moisturiser for my condition, and like you I found I was having to reapply it often to feel any benefit.

Posted Tue 7 Aug 2018 14.12 by Kay01

Hi oh no , yes I might as well give the doublebase dayleve anything is worth ago, that's the thing I found with child's farm I know it's cheap but I don't think it actually works for me I've heard it's actually cured some people from psrosisis but it doesn't seem that great for me. Thanks.

Posted Tue 7 Aug 2018 15.08 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Kay01: some months ago I recall reading in the press that MooGoo had cured people of eczema and psoriasis. I tried it. Then I read that Childs Farm was the miracle cream - I tried it. Yesterday there were articles saying that BodyShop Ginger shampoo is the miracle product for the scalp - I had already tried it and it seems a nice shampoo but did nothing for my condition. I am naturally sceptical - but I wonder if all the 5-star reviews online and gushing/ positive press articles are not being driven by PR Agencies and paid reviewers?

Posted Thu 9 Aug 2018 13.35 by Kay01

Wendy Oh right so it's cause by the inflammatory which is left just gets worse over time. I'm glad to hear FODMAP was helping your IBS good luck as well in finding what is causing it , how long have you had psoriasis for , wow did the doctor say it was to do with weight if you don't mind me asking , I'm a little overweight so being on this diet for me is a good thing even if it doesn't heal my psoriasis I would have lost weight I'm starting to lose weight on the diet already , do you think you would be staying in this diet for the rest of your life , I've tried Turmeric myself but it did not work for me although it seems to make a difference to my partners mum who suffers with arthritis. I can't believe your 4 month into your diet and its helping I'm glad to hear. Thank you I'm on my 4th day now it's getting easier slowly , if it works I don't know but I'm waiting to see I was going to this diet for around about 3 to 4 months , as my psoriasis does look and feel alot better I'm starting to see little clear patch's of skin so fingers crossed but it's not the end of the world if it doesn't work then I need to find out what else it could be. I'm also taking omega 3 supplements to. Good luck with yours your doing well

Posted Thu 9 Aug 2018 15.15 by Kay01

Oh ok you had it pretty much most of your life and your still battling it now ,I've had psoriasis since I was 15 that's 11 years now I never throught it would get worse it but it has. I understand about your thyroid, ok that's a good thing low carb and no sugar , you shouldn't let go of the pleasures you should carry on never give up on your pleasures , of cause all people are different with affects , I could say that but we will see it's still early days for me.

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 11.42 by badger07

Hi all I've suffered from both rosacea and psoriasis for 30 plus years. It affects legs, back hair face, ears etc I've recently been taking 1/2 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day in a large mug of water. This seems to be my tolerance limit as any more brings on acid reflux and acid indigestion (you don't want this as you will have to stop and then symptoms return). I take it with cold water as this numbs taste a little ( hot water seems to activate the acid and seems to attack teeth (or it feels that way)). It doesn't seem to matter if I take normal supermarket version or organic with the mother versions, both seem equally effective, I personally prefer the taste of either Sainburys or Aldi's own brands. The Result seems to be affected by skin thickness so thin skin areas like ankles cleared first, scaling sites of 72 mm by 100mm on both ankles cleared with normal skin replacing lesions. This was slowly followed by the rest of the body healing, the scalp (hair) and face are the slowest to react but even those are slowly returning to healthy skin. its taken 14 weeks so far but every day I notice improvements. Both my GP and dermatologist are dismissive and non supportive but don't lose heart remember these professionals admit they don't know what causes both rosacea and psoriasis and that their currently is no NHS cure for it. I only really care that it definitely works for me and I just pray that its effectiveness doesn't ever wear off. Hope this helps and that it works for you Best wishes Badger07

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