Diet and Nightshade Group of foods

Posted Mon 6 Aug 2018 09.16 by denitagh

My son has psoriasis and 2 years ago I was very concerned for him as he was really down about it and feeling very negative and at the end of his tether with the impact on his life. I was upset for him and desperate as a mum to try to help him. Doctors and dermatologists were somewhat dismissive and simply prescribed creams and light treatment and showed no empathy at all. I started searching on the internet for alternatives. I very luckily came across Hannah Sillitoe and her website and blog and after reading it I ordered her book called Radiant, available for £12 on Amazon. I ordered it that night and it arrived the next day. I read it and was immediately engrossed in what she wrote. It's so well written and makes such sense. It explains about the nightshade group of foods and other foods which can aggravate psoriasis. I called my son down from his room, gave him the book and told him to read it, which he did. After reading it I said I would support him by doing the detox programme with him over the next few days. We followed this programme and after 4 days he began to see a slight improvement in his skin. He cut out all the nightshade foods and followed other advise in the book and slowly over a period of six months saw the plaque psoriasis clear up. Below is the link to her website. I would suggest reading the blog and other info on the website first and then getting the book. After following the guidance in her book but not becoming vegetarian my son no longer uses the topical creams or steroid ointments prescribed by the doctor and controls his psoriasis by diet and managing his lifestyle. Identifying his personal trigger foods has helped so much. In his case he eventually identified that potatoes seem to be the particular food to completely avoid and this can also be found as potato starch in flours, and all sorts of products so he has to read packaging carefully but after a while he's learnt which brands have what. Also having a hair strand test has identified other triggers foods, some to avoid completely and other to eat in moderation. This cost £50 available from an online laboratory test company but has again provided a practical relatively easy guideline to follow. Basically I'm just saying that reading Hanna Sillitoe's website and buying her book and taking on board what it says has changed my son's life by giving him practical guidelines for managing his psoriasis without using any prescribed medicines and seeing such a visible improvement in his skin. Perseverance is needed and there were good and bad days but it's been life changing. Book - Radiant by Hanna Sillitoe • Nightshades (tomato / potato / aubergine / peppers / chillies) also possible triggers strawberries and oranges

Posted Mon 6 Aug 2018 09.52 by Julie Harris

I too read this book and found the advice invaluable. Yes it’s tough to make drastic changes to your diet and lifestyle but the difference it has made to my skin has been remarkable. Yes I still have psoriasis but I can now manage it and it has been generally under control for 6 months now. As we all know psoriasis treats us all differently but I would say give this a try and keep at it.

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