Goats milk and photo therapy

Posted Mon 6 Aug 2018 12.24 by Chelsiexx

I have suffered with psoriasis on the hands for over a year now I used to get the blisters but they would last a week and then disappear after painting last year they came and never went my hands are so soar and it has limited what I can do like my own personal care washing clothes day to day cleaning touching some foods and holding bags for longer to a minute also even simple thing as to holding coins. It’s so frustrating it puts me down all the time itches all day and night and stings like a b****! I’ve had many people tell me that goats milk works great so I have ordered some hand cream and some soap that is made with goats milk (hoping to at least be able to wash my self without help 😂) has anyone else tried goats milk and did it benefit? I am also starting photo therapy in September but have only heard bad things about it ie that it doesn’t work and wanted other people’s experiences on it? Any help is welcome!

Posted Mon 8 Oct 2018 22.54 by Ladyred

Hi...I’ve only recently joined the forum and read your comment about goats milk products. I had already started using them before joining and I’m really pleased with the response on my skin and scalp I’ve been using a combination of goats milk soaps in replacement of shower gels and a shampoo bar for my hair. Plus a body lotion. The product range I’ve been using is from the little goat soap company. Since using these items my skin has felt noticeably less itchy and feels softer . The redness has faded dramatically also so I am definitely going to continue using them. Overall I feel so much more relaxed in my skin so I hope you also see the benefits Ps....I have also been drinking warm water with fresh lemon juice ...from first thing in morning before my first coffee and then throughout the day

Posted Mon 8 Oct 2018 23.03 by Chelsiexx

The goats milk I brought was scented so it irritated my hands I will have to get some that isn’t. I used to have it on my legs and scalp but I used enstilar for them and it worked fantastic and hasn’t returned in over a year. I was hoping my photo therapy would work but I’ve been refused treatment because I had a reaction to the soluvent I just want my life back I feel so dependant on everyone else with my hands.

Posted Mon 8 Oct 2018 23.09 by Ladyred

That company I mentioned do natural unscented versions so maybe worth a try.? It must be so difficult with it being on your hands

Posted Mon 8 Oct 2018 23.21 by Chelsiexx

I will do and it is really difficult I haven’t washed up in over a year but luckily I’ve had a lot of help and now have a dishwasher when I was myself and hair I’m having to wear cotton and rubber gloves can’t touch certain foods it’s very frustrating

Posted Tue 9 Oct 2018 10.57 by Ladyred

https://www.thelittlegoatsoapcompany.co.uk/product/simply-soap don't know if the link will work but their "plain" goats milks soap is called "simply soap" and seems to have really good reviews/responses from people who have used it

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