Best treatments other than steroids

Posted Mon 6 Aug 2018 13.31 by Reese Clarke

Hi all I’ve been suffering now for around 11 years.. I have bad days and not so bad days, I currently use steroid ointments to control my condition which I’m not entirely happy about due to its long term effects... ca anyone recommend any treatments they’ve found useful from experience? Thanks

Posted Mon 6 Aug 2018 14.56 by Peter S
I have psoriasis on about 1/3 of my body...have had it for over 10 years and its getting worse.

The thing with steroids is that used too much they can make things worse. My non-steroid application is to apply Tesco baby lotion, let it sink in, and then apply a small amount of Epaderm. This keeps the skin nice and moist.....because psoriasis can be a bit of a vicious circle where the dryness of the skin itself causes irritation that causes more scaliness. Also it is much easier ( and safer ) to remove the scaliness when the skin is moist. I have a patch on the back of my thigh that bleeds if it is even slightly scraped when dry...but when moist i can remove all the scales very easily and they reform much more slowly.

Posted Wed 8 Aug 2018 10.26 by Skittles

Hi Have suffered from psoriasis for around 10 years like yourself quite badly on my elbows and legs. I had tried every cream under the sun, light treatment and Acitretin tablets all to no avail until recently. 2 weeks ago I was prescribed Dovobet Gel by my GP and now it has nearly all gone, scales have disappeared and only a trace left which on current form will be gone soon. I can now go out in shorts and t-shirt without feeling like an outcast, Couldn’t be happier. I recommend this to anyone who hasn’t tried it. Hope this helps.

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