Oral Vitamin d supplements

Posted Mon 20 Aug 2018 16.31 by Emvy

Just another wondering ! Does anyone have any experience or evidence of an oral vitamin d supplement helping with psoriasis? Thanks

Posted Mon 20 Aug 2018 17.25 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Tue 21 Aug 2018 12.28 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I am taking Vitamin D3 supplement, 25 ug a day. My psoriasis has abated drastically over the past month or two. BUT - and here is the issue, I also started taking other supplements at the same time. I used a topical coal-tar treatment from my GP and Dovobet. I even started using CBD oil. Additionaly i got a fair bit of sun out in the garden through may, june and july. Whether or not anything I did has made the difference or which one thing made the difference i really could not say. Like many with psoriasis I was basically deperately searching for things to try that might help my condition, and to reduce the intense itching/prickling that had developed over my body and scalp and was preventing me from sleeping. My psoriasis flared up in February after being pretty well dormant for many years apart from one elbow. I was not patient enough to try one thing for a month, then another and so on. What I was careful to do - was to take the minimum recommended doses of the supplements, Vit D3, zinc, magnesium, and copper, in the hope of avoiding any potential toxicity. Additionally I spent a fortune on almost every emollient available to try and reduce the itching. I have succeeded in controlling my scalp also. One quick point, if you are on any other medication (eg tablets, injections) I would advise checking with your GP or at the very least a pharmacist before taking supplements to check if there are any known or possible reactions (preferably the GP who is prescribing your medication).

Posted Tue 21 Aug 2018 15.24 by Mark (edited Tue 21 Aug 2018 15.30 by Mark)

I found out that I was vitamin D deficient after a routine blood test. I started taking a vitamin D ( 1000 IU) supplement and noticed some improvement in my psoriasis after three weeks. Six months later i was able to stop using steroid creams. I still use a coal tar shampoo occasionally but the plaques are almost completely gone without any use of steroid creams for almost two years. I now take the supplement from October until early April only as my vitamin D level stays high enough over the summer months without taking supplements. My nails have also improved a lot but the symptoms haven't gone completely.

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 11.27 by badger07

Most people in the UK are vitamin D deficient, Vitamin D is mainly derived by exposure to the sun, but everyone's now using factor 30, so no one gets enough sun to manufacture their own vitamin D. So If you are deficient in Vitamin D (and most people are, especially in Winter then take Vitamin D, I do and my GP recently offered me a repeat prescription for it justified as above. I find it easier to just buy low dose tablets from Tesco they are always doing 3 for two offers and are the cheapest I've found from a reputable source. I noticed a distinct improvement in my psoriasis when I started them, it didn't go away but the level of inflammation reduced.

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