Psoriasis, Diet and IBS Link

Posted Wed 22 Aug 2018 20.46 by TillyPaws

I am new to this forum but I thought it was really interesting that many of you have mentioned diet and IBS when talking about psoriasis. Before my psoriasis returned last year I had acid reflux and heartburn and bad tummy aches. I had omeprazole and other versions of it which cleared the reflux and heartburn but gave me an awful sore throat and didn't get rid of the tummy aches! I went back to the doctor I was diagnosed with IBS and gastritis and given Ranitidine. (I also take antibiotics since birth) I have often wondered whether these tummy issues and medicines re-triggered the psoriasis in any way? Perhaps in combination with uni stress and increased alcohol drinking. The first time I had a flare it was very mild and the creams cleared it up before I even managed to see a dermatologist but this time has been persistent and getting worse every day. I have tried to eat healthily to control the IBS, in particular I've cut out most tomato (especially soup) which triggers awful tummy aches and tried to eat less dairy (I have swapped milk for non dairy milks) and less fried and fatty foods. It has helped with my IBS but I was wondering whether there's anything people have cut out and found it's made a big difference to their skin? Is there any evidence out there that IBS/gastritis or IBS medications are linked to psoriasis?

Posted Mon 11 May 2020 16.25 by Barb

I have both IBS and scalp psoriasis . I am a fairly high strung person and. my mum and sister had bad psoriasis mainly in their bodies. What foods should I avoid for the latter

Posted Tue 12 May 2020 15.49 by Joey

I have been seeing a nutritionist for many years, who has successfully freed me from Endemetriosis and at times Psoriasis. I manage to keep my psoriasis at bay by eating less sugar, gluten and dairy. When I do a complete detox of these foods my skin is brilliant. However I struggle to give up alcohol (sugar) so I believe my skin will never be clear when I continue to drink. If you have the discipline I would suggest giving up all three for a few weeks and see how it benefits your skin.

Posted Sun 17 May 2020 00.06 by Sizzy
Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.

Hi all, I've had psoriasis for over 30 years. I came off Humira a year ago and am in a flair. New biologic treatment put on hold due to the pandemic. I always had gut issues until I cut out the following from my diet. All nightshades (tomato, aubergine, white potatoes etc), onions and gluten, most refined sugar (I do still eat chocolate though) and citrus fruits. I do not drink alcohol and only use lactofree milk. Guts have been fine since with no tablets or gaviscon needed. Skin improved slightly at first but unfortunately, no amount of blueberries or the diet change has calmed it down and is slowly getting worse. Psoriasis is very individual, so what works for one, may not work for another x

Posted Wed 20 May 2020 09.18 by rjdatson

Hi all, I am new to this forum and don't even have social media. But I really wanted to share our experience with others that have the most frustrating hold back. So my son has had scalp psoriasis for about 8 years now and for the past 3 so have I. As all of you know we have tried everything available from Drs and anything natural suggested. My son is about to turn 21 and I believe it's had a huge impact on his mental health and belief in himself. His was so bad wherever he sat or slept resulted in piles of scalp tissue and flakes.So recently I have purchased some body oil for my dry skin and read can be used oncradle cap for children. So I put it into a bottle and left in for 2 days (because I forgot after 1) then washed out with moo goo shampoo and conditioner. Well I call it a miracle. I have been virtually free for 4 weeks now. The only time it come back was when I used salon bought shampoo and conditioner. So back with oil and moo goo and gone again. Telling my son it's a miracle "but he is 3rd year chemistry (scientist) no such thing as miracles" so we did his hair and wow,oh my god he is pretty much clean of scalp scabs. He does say it's worked but not a "miracle". I don't care what you call it but I think it's amazing and has changed our lives. The oil is called Dermaveen bath and shower oil. I just really hope it may help anyone with this horrible disease.. Would love to hear if this works for anyone else..Good luck.

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