Advise on scalp psoriasis please

Posted Mon 27 Aug 2018 05.42 by Julieju

I have had scalp psoriasis for around a year & it’s getting slightly worse. I’m using Dovobet gel & was using ceanel shampoo to wash it out but that is no longer available. My doctor hasn’t been very forthcoming with advise on the management of scalp psoriasis. Can anyone advise me on how to manage my scalp psoriasis better....step by step. I’d be very grateful Thanks Julie

Posted Mon 27 Aug 2018 09.32 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Mon 27 Aug 2018 09.34 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

My GP prescribed me Dovobet for my body, but it is the thick translucent form, and not ideally suited to use on the scalp. He was reluctant to give me a steroid for my scalp. Some people on here have used Enstilar foam, which has the same active ingredients as Dovobet but perhaps easier to apply through the hair onto the scalp. I was prescribed Cocois/Sebco for my scalp, which is a coal-tar preparation. Many users on here have reported great success with these (They can be prescribed or bought over the counter - even available on amazonUK). I found them difficult to apply effectively. I live alone, but if you have someone to help you, they can part your hair and easily apply this directly to the scalp, and repeat this across the head until the entire scalp is treated. I found doing it for my self working in the mirror quite awkward, and I ended up with more just on my hair than on the scalp I thnk. That is probably why they did not seem to do much for me. I have tried almost every shampoo that seems to exist. GP prescribed Capasal, which again many users have reported great success with, but I saw no improvement. In the end I have found releif and massive improvement from a shampoo called Alphacade PSO. A friend of mine in Ukraine sent me a couple of bottles to try. It gave really good results for me. I was able to buy more online at an affordable price from a company in France. I saw it on Amazon also- but for a ridiculously high price. I alternate now between Alphacade and Alphosyl (available everywhere) and it is keeping my scalp clear (no more plaques, flaking or itching). 40 years ago when I first had psoriasis I found that Selsun shampoo was the answer. But I tried it this year for my latest outbreak and it did nothing at all. I suspect that something has been changed in the formulation over the years (it used to discolour my gold ring, but nowadays it has no affect on the same gold ring). The biggest difficulty with advice I have observed, is that something that is very effective for one person, gives only moderate success for another and no success at all for another. Best of luck.

Posted Mon 27 Aug 2018 14.16 by Julieju

Thank you, I am grateful for your advise. I have just ordered the shampoo you yourself use, it’s not much more expensive than some of the others I’ve tried and had no success with. I shall let you know how I get on. Julie

Posted Tue 28 Aug 2018 17.48 by Pamstan

Hi Having recently been diagnosed, I am new to this forum but thought that I might introduce everyone that struggles like me with a very cheap solution found in my local Home Bargains store. I am a type 1 diabetic that began to suffer with sudden breakout across my body and an extremely sore flaking scalp. At first my GP did the usual as in blamed my diabetes and told me to take salt baths (seriously). Over time I saw a number of different docs and suffered with constant infections until I happened upon a shampoo called X-Pel Therapeutic Shampoo in a new Home Bargains store. I duly went home and followed the instructions and after a eeek my head began to feel ‘normal’! I felt so good that I started to use it on my chest and back and without exaggeration my skin is beginning to heal. I know nothing more about this product than the fact that it is only £1.99 for a 300ml bottle and smells like coal tar of old. It makes my hair feel fabulous too. Hope this helps?

Posted Tue 28 Aug 2018 22.25 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Wed 29 Aug 2018 13.06 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I tried the X-pel shampoo- it actually made my scalp itch intensely only a few hours after use. It has very mixed reviews on Amazon. It is the first time I have ever had an adverse reaction to a shampoo or similar product. There must be something in it that my body does not like. One good thing is that it only costs 1.99 to find out if it suits you. Note also, that in one Amazon review someone said that they had bought it for 1.oo in a pound-shop, I forget which one.

Posted Wed 29 Aug 2018 08.49 by Julieju

I have also tried the X-pel shampoo. Gave my hair great body & bounce but did nothing for my scalp unfirtunately

Posted Sun 2 Sep 2018 17.41 by Loops (edited Sun 2 Sep 2018 17.42 by Loops)

For those that don't like the smell of the Coal Tar based shampoos that are frequently recommended, I now use Pine Tar shampoo and conditioner (as well as the shower gel and soap). The smell is nowhere near as bad and it seems to have the same antiseptic affect, my skin has calmed down since I started using them, both scalp and body. The smell is not unpleasant and doesn't linger like the Coal Tar.

Posted Sun 2 Sep 2018 20.49 by Julieju

I very much appreciate everyone’s advise . Does anyone use preparations other than shampoos? I’ve been using every other day for over 2 weeks but sill feel I need something else to remove the plaques as my scalp feels tight sore and scaly 😟 Thanks

Posted Tue 4 Sep 2018 01.10 by huffman121

I too suffer with severe scalp psoriasis(and ears hands and feet) I've been on many different meds thru the years Everything from steroid topicals and OTC shampoos to Methotrexate & biologics They'd work for a few months then stop working About one month ago I decided to try gluten-free diet & eliminated sugar & dairy from diet and my scalp psoriasis is beginning to heal AND my psoriatic arthritis has improved significantly My joint inflammation and pain level has gone from an 8 to a 4 It is AMAZING how much this has helped me My energy level has been incredible However, During Labor Day weekend I made some bad choices and ate a ton of sweets and other food with gluten and dairy such as pancakes and cheesecake and birthday cake and different type of breads(very bad choices) AND overnight my psoriasis is already flaring up big time and my inflammation is returning in my joints I will definitely return to a gluten free dairy free sugar free diet first thing in the morning I'm a believer now that healing truly begins in our gut We should try to let food be our medicine rather than putting dangerous chemicals in our body

Posted Tue 4 Sep 2018 01.18 by huffman121

Coconut oil also gives relief to scalp psoriasis It also aids in healing our gut which in turn helps heal our psoriasis and arthritis because all autoimmune disorders begin in our gut You can apply coconut oil directly to the psoriasis and you can also ingest coconut oil on a daily basis to help you heal from the inside and the outside I also take thyroid supplements for Hashimoto's which is also an autoimmune disorder so those supplements are also aiding in improving the psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Posted Tue 4 Sep 2018 14.46 by sue1655

I use Synalar gel for the psoriasis on my scalp. It comes with a long pointy applicator nozzle so you can actually apply it ON the scalp, not the hair. And, as it's a gel, it's not slimy like most other creams / ointments. I had to ask my doctor for it though. Otherwise ... I just use normal shampoo and conditioner BUT making sure they are 100% petro chemical deriative free. Currently using the new L'Oreal natural range which is fab - doesn't irritate my scalp, smells fab and makes my hair nice!

Posted Tue 4 Sep 2018 18.13 by annie_8390
Hello, I'm Annie, and I have had psoriasis for 15 years. I am trying to heal my body naturally and help others do so too!

I don't have scalp psoriasis, but for the past 2 months I've been taking pre and probiotics (recommended by my GP who also has psoriasis and using a topical probiotic cream. I've also eliminated processed refined foods and sugars and now my psoriasis is 95% gone. I got to the point where I was so desperate, and this is the only plan that has worked for me. good luck!!

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