Psoriasis and running

Posted Thu 30 Aug 2018 18.40 by Sammict

I wonder of anyone has any advice for me? I do a fair bit of running and have recently been diagnosed with inverse psoriasis. This creates a problem is the worst areas due to friction more than anything. I was wondering if plastering myself in Vaseline before a run would help alleviate or lessen the problem. I am really irritated and sore after a run which is very frustrating. Thank you!

Posted Sat 1 Sep 2018 11.27 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I think the best advice is to try and see? I used to play rugby at univerity and th friction from my shirt used to leave me raw and bleeding from the plaques after every game. You could try something like "Doublebase Dayleve Gel" (the Dayleve" version leaves a barrier on the skin) applied first and then vaseline on top.

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