
Posted Fri 7 Sep 2018 14.13 by Annie

After being diagnosed with ovarian cancer and therefore having to stop my Stelara meds, my psoriasis returned with a vengence and then went euthrodermic culminating in a hospital stay. I have recently been started on Fulmeric Acid. I am experiencing fairly strong side effects of nausea and loose stools. Can anyone tell me if this wears off soon? I had previously been on Ciclosporin and got nausea side effects, but these stopped over time. .

Posted Fri 7 Sep 2018 20.23 by Gareth

Hi Annie I started taking Fumaderm a number of years ago, and this was changed to Skilarence (essentially the same drug) earlier this year. When I first started taking Fumaderm, I thought I was melting! Really serious diarrhoea. But it stopped after about three weeks - I lost over a stone in weight - and my psoriasis started to improve. I have effectively been psoriasis free for a number of years, and I absolutely swear by fumeric acid. Stick with it, no matter how bad you feel. It will work.

Posted Fri 7 Sep 2018 20.40 by Annie

Thanks Gareth, that's really good to hear. The diarrhoea has been pretty full on but I can cope with that. It's the nausea that floors me and if I just know it'll stop, that makes me feel better about it. I've had a pretty full on year, what with a full hysterectomy then chemotherapy, then my psoriasis flaring half way through the chemo as I had to stop the Stelara (which was pretty effective stuff), then my skin going into meltdown and ending up back in hospital for the 4th time in a year. I really need a good result with these meds, just for my sanity if nothing else. Good news is though that my cancer is clear, so at least that's a positive.

Posted Fri 7 Sep 2018 21.17 by Annie

Hi again Gareth, was just wondering how you've found the alcohol rules on skilerance. I don't really drink much but duo like a tipple on holiday or on the rare night out. The alcohol rules seem very precise, but I wondered how strictly you have to follow them?

Posted Wed 28 Nov 2018 23.36 by Anita
I'm 63 had psoriasis for many years , tried all ointments , scalp is sore, also tried methotrexate and aceitrein, ciclosporin was a marv

Hi all I've just stopped the drug skilerence , only into 3rd week of one evening dose , 120 mg gave me severe diarrhoea. Even when stopppiing this medication, this continued for 5 day's, not for me Ciclosprin worked wonders for my skin but blood tests showed my kidneys were failing ,

Posted Sat 12 Dec 2020 08.31 by Miccy86

Hi I’ve currently been switched from methotrexate to skilarence. During the first few weeks it wasn’t so bad just abit of cramping and constipation, on Wednesday I hit 5x120mg tablets and I’m getting severe cramping and diarreah, will this eventually subside or would I need to go back to a lower dose?

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