
1 Posted Mon 17 Sep 2018 22.01 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi, It is clear that you have extensive knoledge of blueberries. Have you known many/any who have been greatly helped in the clearing of their psoriasis? There has been a very interactive discussion in this forum under " eating blueberries cleared up my psorisis" i would kindly invite you to join this discussion as your level of expertise could be really beneficial. thank you Warren

Posted Tue 18 Sep 2018 09.42 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Thanks for your reply. I have NO knoledge of blueberries at all and was grateful to hear from you, as someone who has. This is such a new phenomenon that the chemicals that are in blueberries to help psoriasis could well be in other berries. Interesting!!!!!! Where are the companies that would do some clinical trials??? Best Wishes, War.

1 Posted Thu 3 Jun 2021 00.25 by Psoriais101 (edited Thu 3 Jun 2021 00.30 by Psoriais101)

What a load of dangerous shite this is. The reason people are seeing results is the following: they were in treatment like cyclosporine PRIOR or during doing this. If you were on it prior then it suddenly began to clear, the medication began to work as you can’t expect to pop a pill and see results 10 seconds later. That’s why your skin began to clear. Also many have mentioned heat waves and getting in the sun = proven to help by DERMATOLOGISTS and SCIENTISTS not magical bob. Diet plays a role by not consuming alcohol or sugar and most have probably done that along side this without realising. There is no magical berry cure and it’s extremely stupid and dangerous to discourage others against their dermatologist and Drs advise! Someone could get seriously unwell for suddenly discounting medication on your advise it’s extremely irresponsible to suggest they just stop treatment!? people are prescribed oral treatments for a reason - they need them! Not some made up tosh about magical berries.

Posted Fri 4 Jun 2021 00.05 by Jackie

If it works for some people, it has to be worth trying.

Posted Sun 20 Nov 2022 12.07 by Sea Fossil

Hi, I have PS now for 20 odd years and now its bad enough that my Dermatologist has iniated a Biologic treatment - Humira. Tried just about everything else! I am a keen gardener and only grow what I can eat. Most of my produce is fruit, especially blueberries, strawberries, rasps aand gooseberries. I eat blue berries just about every day after my dinner with a dollop of yoghurt or kefir. I have been doing this for years and it certainly has not helped my PS. However it may work for others.

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