
1 Posted Tue 18 Sep 2018 20.45 by Margaret W

I have had scalp phoriasis since February and after trying all sorts of medication my consultant wants me to start on Methotrexate. Has anyone any experiences of taking Methotrexate? Thanks, Margaret

Posted Tue 18 Sep 2018 21.13 by Jeanettey

Hi I got Diagnosed with scalp phoriasis in October 2017 after suffering problems for over a year. this was after I had my thyroid removed because of cancer, which I understand seems to be common. I have been prescribed many different medications over the past year which did not seem to have any effect. Luckily I have found a lot of relief by taking one Biotin Maximum strength tablet everyday, this can be sourced from Amazon for about £9 for 6 months supply plus Evening primrose oil. I also use diprosalic scalp medication very rarely. My phorasis has spread to my ears which I understand is common and I keep this under control with coconut oil applied with a cotton bud. I tried olive oil but coconut oil seems to better for me. I know everyone is different but it is worth a try. I now rarely have the itch, only if I have a flare up. I believe this combination is best for me but maybe not for everyone. I maybe use the Diprosalic medication once a week which is a lot less than before started to use the Biotin and Evening primrose Oil. worth a try!

1 Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 06.38 by new to it

hi, i was prescribed methotrexate after all other "regular" meds including steroids didn't work. i had to stop after 3 months bec of severe diarrhea the whole time! and it didn't help much with the arthritis pain but did show some improvement of the psoriasis/ however i know a number of people for whom Methotrexate works reasonably well fro a few years. one thing you must remember when asking about those meds is that every person reacts differently/ so in the end it's a trial and error process/ Good luck !

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 22.36 by Becky0303 (edited Thu 20 Sep 2018 22.38 by Becky0303)
Scalp psoriasis sufferer for 10 years

Hi Margaret, I also suffer from scalp psoriasis and have done for 12 years as well as minor parts of my body for 19 years.. I’m 24 now. I have been taking methotrexate now for almost four months at 10mg and have seen some improvement in my ears and body 95% clear. I did notice a huge difference in my scalp about two months ago it was about 90% clear however my scalp psoriasis seems to be back with avengance over the last few weeks but I suspect I’m still on a very low dose and this will be increased once I see my dermatologist next week. Defiantly worth a go!

Posted Fri 21 Sep 2018 05.07 by Bumblebee

Hi Margaret, I have also just started methotrexate for scalp psoriasis, I have it very severely over my entire scalp and have lost most of my hair, I am only two weeks into methotrexate and have developed extreme diarrhoea that I am hoping will soon resolve. Good luck to you and hope you see your psoriasis resolved quickly without too many side effects.

Posted Fri 21 Sep 2018 09.09 by Margaret W

Thank you all for your replies. I haven’t started the treatment yet - have to see specialist nurse and have blood tests. My scalp has flared again so I have to give Methotrexate a try. Bumblebee - I hope you see some improvement soon and the side effects calm down. Perhaps we can stay in touch and compare notes - good luck

Posted Fri 19 Oct 2018 20.50 by oliviahughes238

I was prescribed Methotrexate 5 years ago for a severe flare up that was not being controlled by Acetretin and for the first few months it was great, it cleared up my skin and my psoriasis improved. However, the side effects started to kick in and I had frequent upset stomachs and felt very tired. The worst part started after about 6 months, my hair started to come out in massive clumps, and my hairline actually receded. 5 years later, my hair is still damaged and hasn't fully grown back! I regret going on this medication so much. Although it does affect everyone differently!! As long as you keep an eye out for these signs and you feel well, I'm sure it will be fine! Good luck

Posted Fri 19 Oct 2018 21.28 by andrea
have had p for too many years

Hi I started on Methotrexate 3 years ago but when I got to 15mg there was no improvement but my dermatologist wouldn't put the dose up. I was having regular headaches and tiredness, so I asked to come off it as I didn't see the point so then she agreed to give me 17.5mg. My skin improved 90%. But then 18 months on the headaches were almost migranes. I was also taking HRT so I came off the HRT and now hardly any headaches but the psoriasis started coming back so I bought a 9 tube UVB phototherapy unit from MBS which cleared my body completely except my legs which only cleared after a foreign holiday but has returned. My body is still clear so I have gone back down to 15mg again as I would like to come off methotrexate eventually. And no more headaches so far but I do now wear bifocals at work so I may have had eye pain because I needed glasses. I also have low iron so I take iron supplements which helps with tiredness. I do hope you have success with methotrexate but it is not for everyone.

Posted Fri 19 Oct 2018 21.31 by Margaret W

Thank you for your responses. I start Methotrexate next Wednesday after a blood test on Monday. I will let you know how I get on. Margaret

Posted Sat 20 Oct 2018 16.20 by Noorfahad
Hello my name noor fahad and i am patient of pustural psoriasis when i am 9 month but still i don't have any full recovered from it.

Hi everyone i am suffer pustural psoriasis when i am 9 months now i am 23 yeary old from consult to many doctors no one diagnosed this from 2007 the new doctor in my town i consult him he take my skin and send for the biopsy and the result will show that i am suffer from pustural psoriasis. After that he started treatment and the only medicine he gave me the methotrexate tab. In starting the dose will 2.5 mg for next 12hr for 3 time in a week after that he reduced the dose. But there is one thing with my pustural psoriasis that is without taking medicine it will also get normal but time to time it come back. When my child hood i think i am suffer this problem 6 months and normal 6 months. So time to time period will increase. In between my matriculation and secondary education the is only few months are problem comes. Write now i am graduate and pursuing my masters but the problem is still comes over the time. The only problem is pustal in skin and after it dry the scaling. When i meet the doctor the only medicine he give methotrexate. I don't want to eat i just want to recover permanently but i think that is not possible. The main role, i am stable because of my family my mother and father and my all brothers and sisters. If they are not supporting me and care me from my childhood write now i am not stable. From since now i am understand how this problem will arrive in my body when the weather is changing the problem is starting the only care i have to take improve my immune system to fight this problem. Last few word is that never loose your hope. Be always your self and make understanding friend. Thanks Fahad

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