New diagnosis- what to do next?

Posted Thu 27 Sep 2018 13.38 by Tom

I was recently diagnosed with Guttate Psoriasis, i have it around stomach, crotch, armpits, elbow pits? and i think it's slowly spreading upwards. The nurse practitioner mentioned Steroid creams but only suggested getting a moisturiser but didn't prescribe anything. Having read around the site, i'm not sure whether i should be pushing to start on topical ointment or steroid cream etc or asking to be referred to a dermatologist quite yet or just try out various moisturisers first. Does anyone have advice on how long i should keep trying just the moisturisers before i go back to the doctors and ask for something else? I think my Psoriasis started due to a recent bout of stress due to moving house but can't really be sure, so i'm wondering if it may just be a case of relaxation as well, Has that helped other people? Thanks

Posted Thu 27 Sep 2018 15.19 by Aziz

Hi. Sorry to hear that. I'm also diagnosed with Guttate Psoriasis and I was using topical creams, which in turn will be useful for a period of use and then the psoriasis back again to me. Unfortunately, I didn't figure out what type of psoriasis that I have until one month ago and now I have completed a year with psoriasis!! anyway, before one week I visited the doctor and he told that I need starting with phototherapy. But moisturizing cream is very important no matter what treatment you use. I use the cream twice to three times a day even if the psoriasis has gone, you should continue to moisturizing cream. So, Look at whether there is evolution or not and go back to the doctors. That all I got and I hope you will be okay.

Posted Sat 29 Sep 2018 16.30 by Loops

Hi Tom, if you have been diagnosed with Guttate Psoriasis I would be pushing to be referred to a dermotologist. Moisturisers will help the condition but seeing a specialist you should get the right treatment for you. Stress can be a trigger and relaxation may help, but unfortunately once this horrible condition has arrived, it probably won't go away. I note a few people are suggesting Blueberries, I haven't tried them, but it may be worth a try.

Posted Sun 30 Sep 2018 15.53 by Tom

Thanks both for your advice, I’m speaking to the doctor again on Monday now and I’ll ask her to refer me to a dermatologist. It quite a hard thing mentally to accept this may be here to stay now and I will just have to manage it. I’m still in the mindset that it may go as quick as it came but beginning to realise that may be hopeful thinking. Blueberries is definitely on the list to try though, I will just have to force them down me!

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