Psoriasis on the bottom of my feet

Posted Sun 30 Sep 2018 17.34 by Kellee

Hi all, any advice on how to assist with the psoriasis on the bottom of my feet. It is incredibly painful and I get blister balls where I walk. Any advise would be really helpful 😊

Posted Sun 30 Sep 2018 18.47 by victoria

Hi Keeper see your GO straight away perhaps you need antibiots sounds awful you definitely need help rest them as much as you can elevate with pillows from back of knees put pillow long ways, also try soaking them in look worm water in a bowl and pat well dry. May have an infection :( feel for you Victoria

Posted Sun 30 Sep 2018 18.48 by victoria

Hi Keelee that was sorry

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 10.56 by Shashi

Hi Keelee, I am suffering with the same problem but strangely primarily only on my left foot. it really hurts to walk on it without very cushy socks, trainers, thick plasters etc. so I completely empathise. I have been to private consultant dermatologists and have had a variety of treatments for it since mid May. I first started with DiproSalic twice a day which didn't really help and the condition of my feet worsened substantially. I then started a ridiculously expensive medicine called Toctino, taking one pill a day for two months. it did get a lot better but I was also continuing with DiproSalic at the same time so I can't say for sure which was actually helping. I think once I started applying DiproSalic on my feet at night, wrapping them in cling film and then wearing socks to sleep, things improved. For some reason, though, it didn't last for more than a couple weeks and now my left foot is sore again. I am on another medication called Ciclosporin (pills twice a day) which does not seem to be helping much at all. I also have dry, tight and somewhat scaly skin on the palms of my hands. I'm not using DiproSalic anymore because I am nervous of using steroid creams too much as they tend make skin weak and thin. I don't know if this has been helpful but at least you know you are not alone. if you find something that helps, please share! Good luck

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 13.12 by Kellee

Thanks both, yes I also have it on my hands I am using steroid cream also but for the rest of my body I am using child’s farm which is £3.99 from boots I would recommend giving it a try!!

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