
Posted Fri 5 Oct 2018 18.35 by rayoflight

i was researching light treatment as im working night shift and not seeing enough sun, my psoriasis has been well under control all summer, but this last month i've seen a small flare up on my scalp. ive been using 15-30 grams of l-glutamine powder per day in my drinks since last march and my P cleared up quickly. i ran out for a week and that's when i had the flare up. so little sun and no l-glutamine and it returned. (due to the high dose it was suggested i use powder as pills will take its toll on the liver) anyway to the point, i was shocked to see little to no mention in the first few pages of treatments of L-glutamine. im led to believe that the source of psoriasis is proteins going through the gut lining through micro holes, into the bloodstream causing the flare ups in those predisposed to P and that l-glutamine fills these holes reducing the symptoms. has anyone else any experience or knowledge of this or did i get lucky and it was all sunlight that cleared it up at same time as i started the l-glutamine?

Posted Sat 6 Oct 2018 17.49 by rayoflight

well i can say in the last 30 years or so i havnt seen my elbows looking normal till i started on the glutamine. the scalp flare up maybe diet related i did eat some naughty crap about the time i ran out of glutamine. i believe it helps but i know the power of placebo so who knows. i have gut issues due to various other health problems and dont see it hurting to continue using it. would like to hear if anyone else has any experience with trying it i think scientists make things too complex looking for gene related things etc. genes are mostly about expression, they mostly express when you are doing something wrong. thank you for your input wendy:)

Posted Sun 7 Oct 2018 11.53 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I see that you now ignore the exposure to sunlight that you first mentioned. So-called Leaky gut and links to psoriaisis is trumpeted on several you-tube channels where you can sign up for monthly subscriptions from people in white coats calling themselves a "doctor".

1 Posted Wed 17 Feb 2021 10.16 by Jessica

Please ignore the totally incorrect reply from "OhNo_NotAgain?" and look at the science. The answer to your questions is YES, the evidence is clear that L-Glutamine is a critical supplement in the healing of leaky-gut. "A significant body of evidence indicates that glutamine preserves the gut barrier function and prevents permeability to toxins and pathogens under various conditions of gastrointestinal mucosal injury. Glutamine is considered the most important nutrient for healing of ‘leaky gut syndrome’ because it is the preferred fuel for enterocytes and colonocytes " - DeMarco VG, Li N, Thomas J, West CM, Neu J. Glutamine and barrier function in cultured Caco-2 epithelial cell monolayers. J Nutr. 2003 Jul;133(7):2176–2179. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4369670/#R52

Posted Wed 17 Feb 2021 11.14 by AzureBlue

I’ve heard that L Glutamine can be effective in healing leaky gut. I tried it for a few months but didn’t see a difference in my psoriasis. Slightly off topic but still related to gut health. You might want to have a look at research done on the gut micro biome and how supplementing with probiotics can be beneficial in addressing gut dysbiosis. I’ve been mega dosing on probiotics and have seen quite a big improvement. Maybe a combination of probiotics and L Glutamine would do the trick?

Posted Fri 19 Feb 2021 14.13 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Sun 21 Feb 2021 11.26 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Jessica: I actually do not know where your quoted paragraph comes from but I have read the paper that you have referenced, and that paragraph does not appear anywhere in that paper. Neither does that paper conclude decisively that L-Glutamine is a critical supplement to be taken. There may be later papers that conclude this, but not that paper. (I assume you have added an incorrect link). On a slightly different note, this thread/discussion was a lot longer in 2018 when I commented. At least one of the contributors deleted all their comments from this thread, and so my 2018 comment here is not in any sort of understandable context and is certainly missing the specific comment to which I was addressing my reply. In the case of at least one contributor they deleted all their comments from every discussion on this forum.

Posted Fri 19 Feb 2021 17.55 by rayoflight

2 years later i can say my guts are totally better, about 15 months a go i started taking MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) i think this helped turn a corner. sulfur is a big deal in chemical reactions and the body uses a lot of it. all the places where they claim folks live the longest/healthiest have volcanoes nearby pouring sulfur over the land making the plant and animal life utilize vitamins and minerals better and so on up the food chain to us. i also avoid grains/carbs cos they cause inflammation.

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