
Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 07.36 by Affi
Long term psoriasis

Has anyone tried this drug and if so what has been their experience.

Posted Tue 16 Oct 2018 15.22 by leejacks

I only stuck it for 6 days the side effects, nausea and diarrhea, were too bad in my case. If you can cope with the side effects which usually disappear after a couple of months a lot of people have said it pretty much gets rid of plaques and in some cases makes even nail psoriasis better

Posted Tue 16 Oct 2018 15.49 by Affi
Long term psoriasis

Thanks so much for your reply leejacks. I haven’t started yet, hopefully will be able to collect from Pharmacy tomorrow. The nausea and diarrhoea are mentioned everywhere I read about Otezla. It scares me quite a lot because I have a compromised intestinal condition. Did you find that the symptoms disappeared as soon as you stopped taking it or did it take a few days/weeks for them to go? Also, how quickly did it begin to effect you.

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 10.29 by leejacks

They started to effect me about day 3, having to go the toilet more often mainly . By day 6 I had constant diarrhea nausea and headaches. The nausea and headaches were pretty much gone by the next day. The diarrhea started to get better next day but took a week or so to get back to normal.

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 13.56 by Affi
Long term psoriasis

Thanks for the info, very, very helpful. It sounds like a pretty potent drug. I still haven’t got my medication, I’m told the Dermatlogist is going to contact me tomorrow after she receives clarification about prescribing it. Don’t know what that’s all about! Maybe the manufacturers have had a change of mind about it's use.

Posted Fri 19 Oct 2018 21.00 by oliviahughes238

I was on Otezla for a year, and towards the end I had to come off it as I was vomitting once or twice every day! It made so sick if I hadn't eaten anything for more than 3 hours, I used to get overwhelming feelings of nausea. If I ate a big meal after not eating all day I used to severely vomit. I also used to get really frequent headaches and migraines too. Was good to start with and did clear my skin after about 3 months, but the side effects were just unbearable! If you do start it, just be really vigilant and as soon as you notice any recurring patterns, go and ask about it. It does affect everyone differently though, so just because I had a bad experience doesn't mean you will too. Good Luck

Posted Sat 20 Oct 2018 23.07 by WorkingMumOf3

I have had nail psoriasis for 32 yrs and PsA in fingers, hip, lower back and toes. Symptoms for 7 yrs but official diagnosis 2 yrs ago. After suffering hair loss on Methtrexate and Sulfasalazine doing nothin for 7 months except cause low mood and extreme fatigue, I am on day 12 of Otezla.. 30mg am & 30mg pm. I have nausea for around 3 hrs after taking it (advised to do so with food). I have very loose, urgent bowel movement after breakfast and lunch. I’m ok in afternoons, then take evening tablet when I go to bed. Sometimes wake in night feeling slightly nauseous. Loose bowel within 10 minutes of hot drink next morning. And so the cycle recommences. I am learning to manage it according to my daily plans but it’s difficult. Also since day 7 I have had headache most of the time. But the worst effect is the intense stabbing pain that comes from nowhere in my toe and finger joints which I previously didn’t have. Am going to persevere but don’t know for how long if these pains continue.

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