
Posted Sun 5 Feb 2012 20.00 by supervillainbow
I have guttate psoriasis on my body, scalp and face. It has affected my confidence and often prevents me from happiness.

Has any used any of the above? I've used Diprosalic for a few years now (just whenever it breaks out), and it reacts really well. It just doesn't keep it at bay for very long. I've also recently (and sparingly) used Tacrolimus on my face. It's awesome stuff, but I've heard it's pretty strong. It makes me feel pretty shit after using it, if I leave it on over night, I can often feel slightly run down. Hence why I use it sparingly and as little as possible. Anyone have any stories or also use them?

Posted Tue 10 Apr 2012 10.56 by minimyers

Hi there - thought I'd send you a reply because over the past weeks I have started to feel like a Diprosalic addict - it is the only thing that seems to quickly clear up my psoriasis although as you've said, it comes back pretty rapidly once I stop using it. I go through the tubes far too quickly - although have found that it only costs about 2/3 euros a tube in Spain and Portugal, which is much cheaper than prescriptions here - so every time I know someone going out there I get them to bring back as many tubes as they can!! I am heading back to the Dermatologist though as I know in my heart of hearts I can't rely on a cream that keeps me scale free for such a short period of time, especially as my psoriasis seems to be particularly aggravated at the moment. Haven't heard of your second cream but I don't like the idea of feeling run down from using something :(

Posted Thu 1 Nov 2012 12.31 by calsmith22
i have suffered with psoriasis for nearly six years, it started with a small patch on the elbow and has now rapidly spread including eyebrow

hiya, i have been using diprosalic scalp application for just over 2 years now, i have found it keeps the p at bay but if i forget to put it on one morning it flares up quite quickly, im off back to the docs today apparentley he has found a new ointment which is meant to be really good its from germany and they love it there so ill let you know how it goes, be careful with the diprosalic though it is pretty potent and if its making you run down i woul;d say go back to the docs and ask for it to be replaced for betnovate application the steroid potency is a little less so it may help

Posted Fri 2 Nov 2012 11.21 by Anon1972
Where do I start.... been to the darkest places of my mind with this condition, ometimes I'm good, sometimes I feel like I can't keep going.

Hi, I used Diprosalic along with prescribed medicated shampoo for a month to have an intense treatment when my scalp was really bad. I have found that using a sensative shampoo since, actually just use head and shoulders, or T-Gel when it gets bad has helped keep it more or less at bay. I still have bad times though and use Betnovate. Recently though I tried something that a nurse advised. Before showering I damp my hair and put a little balneum bath solution on my scalp. It's not really made for direct contact but the nurse did say there's nothing wrong with applying directly before a shower if you don't want to have a bath. Then just wash in the normal way. I have been doing this for a month now, twice a week and my scalp is fairly clear, get the odd flake but not much at all.Now if only the rest of my skin would follow suit.

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