Hiring 6' UVB lamp units? NHS (???)

Posted Tue 25 Feb 2014 22.01 by martinlest

Hi. I have had psoriasis for about 30 years, since my mid-20s; runs in the family. Never been VERY serious, but often moderate, and always widespread: back, arms, elbows, chest, scalp, legs, knees, buttocks, face (very light thankfully) ... mercifully never hands or feet. I bought a little hand-held lamp some 20 years ago (still going strong), but it's a losing battle given what a small area it covers.. I don't drive, and my nearest hospital with UVB facilities is a long way from me, so that's not really feasible for me. I have been looking into buying (expensive of course) a 9-lamp 6' narrow band unit but would first like to know if anyone can advise re. hiring a kit like that (I have had two UVB sessions before, at hospitals: very effective and long-lasting relief). I don't suppose they are available from the NHS under any conditions?? (Daft question I expect!). Emailed one company in Bristol, skinmatters, but I am in Hampshire, so not sure that's going to lead anywhere. Thanks for any advice re. hiring large narrow band lamp kits, if you have had any good/bad experiences in this direction. Martin

Posted Thu 27 Mar 2014 08.27 by Boog
Had it since I was about 10, am grown up now and still up and down with it, bored now… Had lots of help including psychodermatology which h

Am guessing, from the lack of response, that we here in the UK are not anywhere near supplying hired units, let alone NHS support to suggest that it would be a good idea, which of course it is! a great idea, but like anything else the cost, I guess, is prohibitive. UVB is a simple, supportive and important resource, we need more drop in units because the routine can be so difficult to fit in to 'normal' life, if only the non P sufferers understood what a complete nuisance it is! Good luck, do post any success Boog

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