Nail Psoriasis and Fungus Combined

Posted Fri 19 Oct 2018 00.57 by DjangleMemez

Hi there, I am 25 years old and have been suffering with nail psoriasis for two years on my Finger nails.. I was originally tested for fungal nail and did not have it, however I have since developed it as well. Has anyone had any experience of the two combining? Does anyone have any tips how to combat either, or both? (In terms of lifestyle changes, diet, creams, natural remedies, oral medication/injections, light therapy) I am currently taking Acitretin, without much success, and soon I will take methotrexate. However I have been warned this is also not likely to be effective for nails either, but worth a go I guess. I also wondered if anyone had taken the fungal medication and psoriasis medication together? As I fear both can potentially affect the liver. Any answers to any of the questions posed would be appreciated! Or even some vague offerings of hope will be gratefully accepted at this point haha.

Posted Sun 21 Oct 2018 20.50 by WorkingMumOf3

I have suffered nail psoriasis for 32 years since age 14. It was misdiagnosed as fungal infection for 10 years. I now have psoriatic arthritis (PsA) throughout my body. I tried methotrexate for 7 weeks before coming of it due to hair loss which I found distressing. The effects of living with PsA are difficult enough to cope with without that too. I am not vain but a typical female whose hair is her crowning glory! But 3 months after stopping the methotrexate, I noticed my new nail growth was significantly better than before - some nails had cleared completely. I was subsequently prescribed Sulfasalazine and spent 7 months on that and subsequent nail growth reverted to the usual thick, pitted nails and sore nail beds. So I guess Methotrexate DID work for my nails, albeit not my arthritis as it was the only time in 32 years my nails were normal. Good luck if you decide to go with it.

Posted Sun 21 Oct 2018 23.12 by DjangleMemez

Thank you both for your replies. I will definitely take your advice in regards to gelatin - thank you. If anyone else has any topical or diet recommendations please do let me know. Secondly - that’s interesting to hear about your experience @workingmumof3. Have you tried any other medicaiton throughout this period? And also, did you ever have both fungal nail and nail psoriasis combined? This is what I am currently experiencing - and I have no clue what the best approach for curing that is. Finally, on the arthritis, this is new to me also. I have started feeling pain and wanted to know if you had any advice in dealing with this as well? Finally have you ever considered removing the nails entirely? I hugely appreciate all the help! There are a lot questions there so if you, or anyone who sees this, has answer to any rather than all please do respond! Thanks again.

Posted Mon 22 Oct 2018 12.11 by Maria
Hello everyone, im a Filipina 51yrs old, was married but abandoned by husband because of P, dont have kids, wishing to be your friend.

Hi, pls try a castor oil mix with lemon, just rub it into your nails. Im just new here, im from Phils. I was diagnosed with P since 2004, ive never been from expensive medications after i accepted Psoriasis in my life... acceptance is the best cure that can battled stress,

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