Psoriasis flareup after stopping immunosuppressants

Posted Sat 10 Nov 2018 20.57 by spursfan323

Hi all, I'm 36 yo man, had a bout of facial psoriasis in late teens for which I had prednisone cream and then UV light treatment. I have been psoriasis-free since then (ignoring flaky scalp). In my early twenties I was diagnosed with Crohn's and for the last ten years I was taking an immunosuppressant called Imuran/Azathioprine. Recently the decision was taken by my gastro's to take me off it as my Crohn's was really in remission. However, coming off seems to have caused my immune system to increase to normal levels. And only several months afterwards, i have had a reoccurence of psoriasis. Yay - out of the frying pan into the fire. This time my Psoriasis is again on the face but with several very very red patches (people have asked me why my face is so red), albeit not flakey yet. Also, for the first time in my life, small circles of psoriasis on several places on my arms and legs, these have been red with white flakes. I never had psoriasis on my arms and legs before. My GP wasn't much use, said I should give it time and see if my immune system 'balances out' after a while. Meanwhile my wife says I need to get it seen to ASAP! I must admit I am a little freaked out as I never had such intense facial psoriasis before. Q1. Anyone else had similar experience? Does the body indeed 'balance out' after a while? Q2. Avoiding drugs or steroids, what is the best current method of treatment? Thank you all.

Posted Sun 11 Nov 2018 07.03 by OhNo_NotAgain?

The body can indeed seem to < balance itself out > after a while. Earlier this year I had an outbrek of guttate psoriasis all over my body, and some plaques. (I am 60 and first had psoriasis at age 22). This outbreak followed a hip replacement. MY GP suggestd that it might fade with time - he suggested 6 months - and it HAS.

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